Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Wonder Woman - Episodes 9-13 Reviews

To cap off the first season, I look into an alien two parter, a formula, a trip to Texas and Steve Trevor the would be movie star.

Episode 9: Judgment From Outer Space: Part 1

Now, this was a turn up for the books. A two part story where the main attraction was an alien named Andros (Tim O'Connor) and wait for it, he's not the villain of the story. Even better was the fact that Andros not only quickly realised that Diana Prince and Wonder Woman were the same person but he was genuinely enamoured with her as a person and didn't reveal her secret. His mission was to observe humanity and report to an Intergalactic Council that were mistrustful of humans. Of course there's another Nazi scheme with Andros ending up captured but another noteworthy aspect was Diana and Steve actually having conflict over Andros during one scene. 8/10

Episode 10: Judgment From Outer Space: Part 2

Picking up from the previous episode, Andros got captured by the Nazis and Wonder Woman headed off to Germany in order to rescue him. Then she ended up getting captured by the Nazis herself while Andros tried to see both perspectives between the Allies and the Nazis. Then the latter showed their true colours and Steve stepped up to prove the selflessness of the Allies. Along with the fact that Intergalactic Council almost came close to taking out humanity. While not as strong as the opening part, the resolution was decent enough with a nice final scene between Wonder Woman and Andros, hinting at a future meeting between the two. 7/10

Episode 11: Formula 407

After an alien two part, it was back to another familiar scenario. Although this time, the action took place in Argentina with both Wonder Woman and Steve looking for a scientist (Nehemiah Persoff) to pick up a formula that can make rubber tires as strong as steel. It didn't take long for the daughter of the scientist to be kidnapped and of course, both Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor also found themselves being tied up for some of the episode. Eventually things did resolve themselves with the daughter being rescued, while both Diana and Steve also had admirers of their own. 7/10

Episode 12: The Bushwhackers

After an adventure, it was time for a trip to Texas for the penultimate episode of the first season. With this episode, you've got a cattle rancher Hadley (Roy Rogers). He's a good guy, looking after several adopted kids and it's both him and the children (though his son was initially duped by the main baddie) who help both Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor against the baddies of the week. This episode also debuted a different look for Wonder Woman that's more modest while the kids also rescued her at one point where she was overpowered by the baddies. 6/10

Episode 13: Wonder Woman In Hollywood 

For the first season finale, how about a trip to Hollywood? Despite the title of the finale, it's actually Steve Trevor and several other soldiers that are actually the focus of a propaganda film by director Mark Bremer (Harris Yulin). However, it's revealed that the propaganda film itself was actually a ruse by Bremer in order to kidnap the soldiers and transport them to Germany with the troubled Jim Ames (Robert Hays) coerced into capturing Steve. On the plus side, not only was Wonder Woman there to rescue Steve and the soldiers but Wonder Girl/Drusilla returned and Ames himself stepped up against Bremer at the right moment. It's a good first season finale but also the last time in the show you'd see any of these characters, except Wonder Woman for the next season. 8/10

Next blog I will tackle The Return Of Wonder Woman, Anschluss 77, The Man Who Could Move The World and The Bermuda Triangle Crisis.

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