Saturday, December 06, 2014

Marvel's A.K.A. Jessica Jones - Lead Role Cast

And you thought it was just the current season of Agents Of SHIELD and the upcoming Agent Carter and Daredevil that Marvel had in store for you television viewers.

Krysten Ritter, best known for her roles in Veronica Mars, Breaking Bad and Don't Trust The Bitch In Apartment 23 has been cast in the role of Marvel's A.KA. Jessica Jones. The 13 episode series, which will air on Netflix (as will Daredevil and two other Marvel series), has Ritter playing Jones as a woman  rebuilding her personal life and career as a detective who gets pulled into cases involving people with extraordinary abilities in New York City after a short stint as a superhero.

I'm not going to lie - Jessica Jones isn't a comic character I'm overly familiar with but Ritter is certainly an interesting choice for a heroic role, not one I would've expected. Having seen her previous work, I think this could be potentially a breakout role for the actress as Netflix continue in their attempt to give regular television a run for it's money with it's programming. With Agent Carter, Supergirl and now this series, next year is looking pretty good for some female led superhero shows. The show will be executive produced and ran by Dexter's Melissa Rosenberg.

Press Release:

Marvel's A.K.A. Jessica Jones will air on Netflix in 2015.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:24 PM

    I wonder what their Purple Man (presumably) is going to be like.
