Monday, September 17, 2018

Batman 66 - Episodes 69-72 Reviews

In this batch of episodes, it's time for a little cowl stealing and looking to star signs to commit some dastardly crimes.

2x35: The Contaminated Cowl

Ah, a return for the Mad Hatter and for a second hit, this was a pretty good effort. The episode opened with him stealing a lot of hat boxes and then soon descended into Batman's cowl being contaminated and turning a bright pink before a scientist was forced to help the Mad Hatter steal the cowl from the Caped Crusader. The cliffhanger does end on a rather deadly note for the Dynamic Duo as their days seem to be well and truly over. 7/10

2x36: The Mad Hatter Runs Afoul

There was a good amount of time in this episode dedicated to everyone believing that Batman and Robin were definitely dead, even to the point where Aunt Harriett assigned herself as chief mourner and told another woman on the phone that she could help organise a statue. Fortunately though, the episode did quickly reveal to everyone that the Dynamic Duo were actually alive and aside from a brief moment where Batman scolded Commissioner Gordon for not taking the Mad Hatter's crimes more seriously before the latter eventually got apprehended at the water tower. 7/10

2x37: The Zodiac Crimes

The Joker and the Penguin working together and the plot gets a little bit astrological. I quite like the idea of the pairing although it seems to go a little south when the Penguin is abandoned by his new partner in crime. Still though, the idea is clever enough and you've got one of the better (or more focused on) female assistants with Terry Moore's Venus torn between her loyalty towards the Joker and growing sympathy with the Dynamic Duo in this one. 7/10

2x38: The Joker's Hard Times

Two thoughts went into my head when watching this episode. One - were we going to get a Laughing Fish moment when the Joker went to steal a valuable fish in public and two - did that cliffhanger here inspire a certain moment in the Doctor Who classic, Genesis Of The Daleks? The other big differences in this episode also included the fact that this was the middle part of a three parter (this would happen again this season and once more in Season 3) and that the Penguin himself was nowhere to be seen as the Joker trapped Batman, Robin and Venus with a deadly trap. The way this one ended, things certainly weren't looking good for poor Robin. 7/10

Next blog I'll delve into The Penguin Declines, That Darn Catwoman/Scat! Darn Catwoman and Penguin Is A Girl's Best Friend.

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