Thursday, September 20, 2018

My Review of American Horror Story: Apocalypse - The Morning After

Written by James Wong
Directed by Jennifer Lynch

Michael (to Gallant): "No need for rules anymore, chaos has won."

It's week 2 in the Outpost 3 house and things have escalated a little. Mr Gallant spent some time in this episode mulling over his nanny issues while trussed up and enjoying a good old time with Rubber Man before indulging in a bit of granny killing, though even that wasn't entirely of his own accord despite the growing tension with Gallant and Evie in this one.

With Joan Collins being a guest star, her chances of survival as Evie weren't especially high and considering her delight in ratting out her grandson's tryst with Rubber Man to Meade along with her rubbing the other chosen ones the wrong way (Coco and Mallory mainly), I wasn't too shocked to see her dispatched off this early in the game. Don't worry though, Evie might be dead but Joan Collins still has another character or two to play in the remaining episodes of the season.

As for Michael, he didn't have to do a lot here to make his presence felt. He's already marked both Gallant and Venable for death and took great pleasure in needling the both of them about their various hang ups for good measure as well. I almost felt sorry for Venable when Michael exposed her vulnerability but that quickly faded with the rest of her actions in this episode.

With Michael's presence raising more questions, I'm glad that both Timothy and Emily had the sense to try and get some answers even if they ended up in Meade's hands and were primed for execution. While I don't expect both characters to make it out of the season alive, I am hoping they do last a little longer though. However, the last scene with Meade, I genuinely did not see coming.

We've had hints of the supernatural but nothing yet aside from Michael but with Meade being some kind of cyborg, I am curious if she's the only one and what her real purpose will be. She did seem to be more sympathetic to Venable when she interrupted the latter's confrontation with Michael, though the trailer for the season seems to indicate she may be switching sides rather soon.

Other than that, very little else has happened here. I'm not sure if the remaining episodes can sustain keeping things so contained within the Outpost 3 set and the way all of them are turning on each other (except Dinah, who actually seems nice enough) - does the likes of Gallant, Coco and Mallory actually deserve saving? I guess we'll find out next week, won't we?

- The Outposts in New York, Virginia and Texas have all been destroyed and I just realised that Gallant has probably had sex with someone who looks very much like himself.
- We still haven't met Cheyenne Jackson's unnamed regular character but I think the trailer for next week might have hinted at witches maybe showing up.
- Did they just add more snakes into the opening credits scene or was that just me?
- Chronology: Seemingly from where The End left off.

An okay second episode, The Morning After had some nice Gallant moments in it and Rubber Man's return was done pretty well but like Roanoke, there's a danger of making things too claustrophobic if we don't get some more sufficient scenes with the outside world. I did like the scenes Michael had with the likes of Venable and Gallant and it'll be interesting to see how he sizes up Mallory next week.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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