Friday, October 26, 2018

Batman 66 - Episodes 77-80 Reviews

And with this batch of episodes, we've got the team up making more than movies and a familiar baddie with a different actor in the role.

2x43: Penguin Sets A Trend

Last week we saw the Dynamic Duo, they were being catapulted into the air but with the timing of the Batmobile, that cliff hanger moment is resolved pretty sharpish. I did like that Batman faked a thirst for the spotlight even if the Penguin saw through it rather fast and the episode ended up with both Batman and Robin about to be crushed. There wasn't so much for Marsha or Hilda to really do in this episode other than catch frogs, so it loses points for that I'm afraid. 7/10

2x44: Penguin's Disastrous End

Seeing Marsha performing the Seven Veils on a bunch of security men might have done nothing for me but it certainly pleased. This final part of the trilogy had our main baddies trapped in a vault at one point for three days as Penguin didn't seem pleased with Aunt Hilda cooking more frogs for dinner while at the same getting to wreck a tiny bit of havoc with a golden tank before being stopped by the Dynamic Duo. Overall, this was a stronger trilogy than the previous Penguin one. 7/10

2x45: Batman's Anniversary

This season has been lacking a certain baddie and given that Frank Gorshin was something of a no show, it was up to John Astin to assume the role of the Riddler for one two parter and while I prefer Gorshin in the role, I do think Astin is decent enough, though lacking the former's eccentricity in the part. This episode did centre on an anniversary for the Dynamic Duo, so having them nearly drown in a cake seem rather appropriate. 7/10

2x46: A Riddling Controversy

The second half of the two part story upped the threat with the Riddler wanting to use Professor Charm Demolecularizer to shrink most of the city, though it's mostly seen used on a statue more than anything else. Astin does a decent enough in the second half of this story and we did get to see Riddler putting a dictator into a rather elaborate trap before being stopped by Batman and Robin.  Overall, it's a solid enough only run around for Astin in the role. 7/10

Next blog I'll delve into The Joker's Last Laugh/The Joker's Epitaph and Catwoman Goes To College/Batman Displays His Knowledge.

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