Friday, October 26, 2018

My Review of American Horror Story: Apocalypse - Traitor

Written by Adam Penn
Directed by Jennifer Lynch

Cordelia (to Ariel): "My powers are waning? Say it again!"

Ariel and Baldwin probably would've said that multiple times over had they not been gagged and burnt at the stake along with Miriam Meade by the witches. Bye lads, you were mostly misogynists and your attempts to take out the witches was pretty reckless on your part. As for Meade, I think she's going to find out the hard way that Satan might not have much time for her.

This episode to it's credit continued from Madison and Behold's discovery of Michael being the Antichrist by having Cordelia try and spur a plan into action. This included consulting with new Voodoo queen, Dinah Stevens and getting a sit down with Papa Legba and Nan, the latter of whom seems to be having fun causing hell but it ended with Cordelia having the sense not to embark on Legba's request for more souls, something which both Cordelia and Dinah seem to share in common.

Of course with Legba out of the question, it was up to Madison and Myrtle to persuade ageing actress and mind reader witch, Bubble McGee to help out as well with the Coven. I quite liked Evie at the start of the season but she was too quickly killed off to really care about, so I'm hoping Joan Collins fares a little better with this role.

Bubbles seems to be a lot of fun as a character and it's nice to have another older witch in the coven along with Myrtle. There was also something slightly amusing in seeing Madison having to play the sensible one among the three of them as well during a scene where they were having drinks. However, it just wasn't Bubbles who came in handy this week.

Coco played her part in trapping Meade and seeing the former taking pride in her powers growing was a nice moment as well. I think this episode and the one from two weeks ago have done a lot to better Coco as a character that I'm hoping we see this side of her when we get to the present problem in the bunker again.

As for Mallory, the fact that she's now being touted as the next Supreme, following her saving of both Coco and resurrecting John Henry Moore almost makes me wonder if it's that straightforward. Perhaps her powers are more heavenly (I've seen that theory bandied about, and I wouldn't put it past the series). Either way, at least this episode showed that Cordelia is taking all things into consideration and mounting her own army against Michael's machinations.

- Michael sat this episode out by being in the Wilderness, so him and Mallory have not met. I'm also hoping that Misty will be back for the finale as well.
- Bubbles McGee's movie at the start of this episode was a take on Joan Collins's Tales From The Crypt.
- Unlike Marie Leveau who was at least referenced here, Dinah doesn't want immortality and refuses to bring infants to Papa Legba. That does tie in with her desire not to get involved with all the present day chaos as well.
- Chronology: There was a two before the apocalypse flashback which showed Cordelia resurrecting Myrtle as well.

Traitor certainly brought about an ending to three of Michael's biggest allies without actually featuring but if we're going by next week, he'll be adding more to his collection nonetheless. I did like the returns of Papa Legba and Nan, it was nice to see Dinah in action and Bubbles was pretty entertaining to watch as well.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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