Tuesday, September 10, 2019

My Review of Titans 2x01: "Trigon"

Written by Akiva Goldsman & Geoff Johns & Greg Walker
Directed by Carol Banker

Jason (on the news): "Titans are back, bitches!"

Well, after a first season of meeting these characters, having them come together for the Trigon storyline, I think it was a bit overdue that we'd actually get the team and get them properly but before all of that, we had an ongoing problem of demonic proportions to deal with.

After his far too late introduction at the end of the first season, Trigon (Seamus Dever) had to be dealt with rather abruptly but before Rachel got to send him back to the same dimension she pulled him out of, Trigon did his best to possess the rest of the main characters and even came close to having poor Gar killed off for good.

The possession scenes were pretty good in this episode. We got to see both Dick and Jason duke it out in a rather impressive fight sequence while Kory came close to killing Rachel as Donna confronted a childhood tragedy and Hank and Dawn lost themselves in hedonism. Gar was the only one not influenced by Trigon and therefore was the very one to pull Rachel out of the darkness after her heart broke and daddy darkest gave her some cool new powers to boot.

It was great to see Rachel be the one to save Dick, send her father away and break the spell that everyone else was under but there's no denying that the first half of this episode was a slightly rushed wrap up to the first season and Trigon storyline altogether. I'd complain about that, but seeing as we've got better stuff on the horizon, I'm not going to.

The better stuff being the arrival of Deathstroke (Esai Morales), who thanks to Jason's big mouth on live television has now come out of retirement and it's pretty obvious that he's got the Titans in sight for his next big mission. The version of Deathstroke hasn't done anything yet and already he seems like he's going to a great antagonist for Dick and company to contend with this season.

Speaking of contending, with Deathstroke looming about, the Titans have essentially reformed with Dick taking Rachel, Gar and Jason under his wing in a familiar location while Donna, Kory, Hank and Dawn have gone off to do their own thing for a while but they'll be back sooner than later as will a few other new faces not introduced into this one.

One face we did see in this episode, albeit briefly was Bruce Wayne. Iain Glen is without a doubt a good actor and probably the most left field casting for Bruce since, well, ever and while I did like that Bruce and Dick cleared up some past issues, I'm not sure I buy Glen as Bruce at all. At times his accent slipped a little and I don't believe that he would intimidate anyone as the Caped Crusader. Maybe other appearances will change my mind but for now, I'm not really feeling him in the role.

- The title sequence is still the same and there was a tribute to Warren Appleby (1974-2019) at the end of this episode.
- DCUniverse really need to start properly promoting their shows better than they are as there's still no promos for the next episode.
- Next week's episode will debut Rose Wilson/Ravager with Superboy, Krypto and Jericho coming soon after that.
- Chronology: From where Dick Grayson left off.

Trigon is somewhat rushed conclusion to the previous season and more of a prologue to this season than an actual premiere, but episode wise, it's hard not to see the clear improvement the show has had since it's rocky debut last year. The characters are definitely stronger, the team has come together, we got glimpses of the past and we have a great new villain. It might have taken longer than the writers hoped but the show seems to have found it's groove.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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