Tuesday, September 17, 2019

My Review of Titans 2x02: "Rose"

Written by Richard Hatem
Directed by Nathan Hope

Rachel (re Rose): "Face it, Dick. You can’t resist a bird with a broken wing."
Dick: "I wouldn’t say I can’t."
Rachel: "C'mon, you helped me, you helped Gar."
Dick: "I didn't help Jason."
Rachel: "Can anyone help Jason?"

Well, no, not really as Jason is kind of a law unto himself but at the very least this season so far has slightly tempered down his more annoying qualities as he spent most of this episode either training Gar, being encouraged by Dick to be his better self or quickly figuring out that soon to be new recruit Rose (Chelsea Zhang) is actually Slade Wilson's daughter.

I like that this episode didn't waste time with that reveal and it made for a satisfying end scene around the same time that Dick had actually managed to talk Rose around into joining the Titans at the same time that Doctor Light (Michael Mosley) attacked the pair of them. Yeah, needless to say this episode wasn't sluggish at all in things going on.

Rose is one of a few new characters we've yet to meet and like her father in the previous episode, she made an interesting enough impression. I don't know for certain if Rose is being sent in as a Trojan horse for her father's revenge plan or if she is genuinely in need of getting away from her father or someone more dangerous, but either way, the character is off to an interesting start.

Also interesting is the Titans 2.0 or Next Generation set up here. It's not surprising that Dick's methods for training Rachel, Gar and Jason would be met with some commentary from his new recruits but I did like Jason and Gar's training scene and the fact that Dick treats Rachel like an equal during their coffee run as well. With Rose in the mix and former members slowly coming back int the fold, this dynamic is going to be fun to watch over the course of the season.

The old members in particular haven't been shy about wanting to return to the Tower. Maybe not Hank as he genuinely seemed to have found a niche in helping kids stay off drugs but Dawn certainly had no problem suiting up in order to take down some meth dealers and the more said on the buddy cop team up with Kory and Donna, the better.

Seriously, Kory and Donna are an excellent pairing as the two of them spent of this episode trying to track down Shimmer and while it took a while for it to happen, the end result was satisfying. I have no doubt that Donna will be seeing Shimmer again while the episode also saw someone from Kory's home world snatch her in the middle of the street. Hopefully this will be also quickly solved as well as Doctor Light is posing a problem for both generations of Titans at the moment.

- Roy Harper got a nice mention in this episode, courtesy of Donna. With Arrow ending this season, I wouldn't be surprised if we see him in Season 3 of this show.
- Bruce Wayne made another appearance in this episode when Dick needed advice about Rose. Still not sure on Iain Glen but he does play off well enough with Brenton Thwaites.
- We were in San Francisco, Chicago, Wyoming and Gotham City this week, location wise.
- Chronology: Three months since the events of Trigon.

Two episodes in and there's a noticeable change for the better with this show. The writing is so much stronger, the characterisation, especially for characters like Jason and Hank has improved for the best, the pairing of Kory/Donna is a great choice and Rose did a great job of introducing the title character and in some ways felt a little more like an opening episode than last week's effort.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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