Sunday, November 14, 2021

My Review of Doctor Who: Flux - Chapter Three: Once, Upon Time


Written by Chris Chibnall
Directed by Azhur Saleem

The Doctor: "What do you want?"
Swarm: "To reign in hell."

Well, I'm confused. This episode certainly felt like too many things were going on all at once. Chris Chibnall went a bit Steven Moffat and didn't quite pull it off as best he hoped to do so. Saying that, the episode wasn't exactly a bust and there were things that certainly piqued  attention.

Let's begin with the mysterious Bel (Thaddea Graham). A mini River Song in the making, this charming likable guest character was on a mission for love. She had a lover she wanted to be reunited with and neither the Flux devastating the universe or even the Cybermen were going to get in the way of being reunited with her beloved. Gotta admire her determination.

As for the mystery lover, well this episode didn't waste time with that one. It's Vinder and on top of that, Bel revealed she was pregnant to boot. I've seen the theories on Who the baby could be and while I'm not keen on the idea, I will not be shocked when it inevitably happens. Yup, Chibnall will continue to double down on the Timeless Child stuff and nothing will dissuade him otherwise.

Being trapped in a Time Storm certainly provided some much needed information on Vinder this week. His actions against the kill happy Grand Serpent (Craig Parkinson) led him to his reposting bur he was as determined to get back to Bel as she was to him and while the pair didn't reunite here, the Doctor made it clear that she'll see Vinder again. Likely before he sees Bel if we're being candid.

Keeping with the Time Storm, the Doctor used herself and Dan bring trapped in there to halt Yaz and Vinder from being burned up. The Doctor also got some answers about herself when she encountered her Fugitive version once again. I knew we'd see Jo Martin's mystery Doctor but I thought it would be a little later in the series. I also suspect that this won't be the last time she will appear in this series for more answers.

As for the answers in question, we saw the Division aka the Fugitive Doctor and Karvanista sentence both Swarm and Azure to their former fates, having used the Mouri in order to do it. Then we met a mystery woman (yes, another one), named Awsok (Barbara Flynn) who more or less blamed the Doctor for the Flux causing the problems with the universe at the moment.

As for Swarm and Azure, they knew what the Doctor was planning all along and went along with it. I'll admit this episode wasn't as strong for them as the previous two but there's no doubt they'll be back next week to cause more havoc for the Doctor, Yaz, Dan and Vinder. Speaking of Yaz and Dan, the Time Storm did reveal some stuff for them but their scenes felt more filler compared to the Doctor and Vinder's.

A key component with Yaz though was her life beyond the Doctor. If Yaz does make it out of this series in one piece, it might not be on good terms with the Doctor. The tension with the two of them definitely has intensified with the Doctor becoming more impatient with Yaz. She practically bit Yaz's head off here. As for the cliff hanger with the Weeping Angels taking over the TARDIS, it's a brilliant way to lead into next week's episode.

- Bel encountered some clearly CGI'd in Daleks at the start of the episode. No doubt we'll be seeing them again.
- Yaz's history involved her having conversations with a co-worker and Sonya as well as being stalked by the Weeping Angels. 
- A lot of glitching with both Doctors in this episode. We also learned that Diane is a prisoner inside Passenger.
- Dan was engaged to a woman fifteen years ago, who dumped him rather harshly. Dan, Yaz and Vinder also kept appearing as Division agents in the Doctor's memories.
- It took 25 episodes but the Doctor got a darker coat for most of this episode. It suited her.
- Chronology: More or less from where the previous episode left off.

Once, Upon Time felt very busy as an episode. A lot seemed to be going on but I'm not sure much actually progressed things either. The Doctor's history with Swarm and Azure while debunking a rumour from earlier in the week seemed a bit off (there has to be more to it) and I'm not keen on another theory possibly being true. Other than that, the episode had it moments.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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