Friday, November 12, 2021

My Review of Doom Patrol's 3x10: "Amends Patrol"


Written by Chris Dingess
Directed by Harry Jierjian

Cliff: "Doom Force!"
Everyone: "No!"

Well, it took three full seasons but the moment finally arrived and our eccentric bunch have finally embraced the very concept they spent arguably too long avoiding. They're finally going to be heroes and while Doom Force doesn't quite have the ring to it they want, it's a start though.

Of course, it took something of a while for this episode to get them all in the place of wanting to be heroes and the journey was certainly interesting, For Laura, her being spared by Mallah and getting even on the Brain meant that she could go back in time and make things right. However the past couldn't be changed and instead Laura had to make amends in the present day.

Having Laura as a member of the team and keeping her for next season was something of a surprise. I expected this episode to exit her. I even though Rita might actually succeed in killing her, only for the latter to let go of her desire for vengeance and spare Rouge's life. Whether Rita ends up regretting that decision, I guess we'll see next season. 

Then there was Cliff'. He got the body of a giant freaking robot and managed to talk some sense into Laura. He also freaked out the locals while going on an apology tour and nearly blowing up on a baseball field until Rita saved the day. We know he'll get his own body back next season but not before his current one will help the team take out a giant nutsack for good measure.

As for Larry and Victor, the latter did try to help the former with Keeg the larva but ultimately Larry ended up meeting with it. Larry started the season losing a connection to one alien presence only to end this season connecting to another. Victor on the other hand might struggle to find himself a new role in the gang now that he's powerless.

Last but not least, Jane lost some power of her own here. She managed to get the other personas from the Fog and even helped with the Underground bit now it appears that Dr Harrison will be the primary for next season. Yeah, not seeing anything positive from that particular outcome to be fair.

- Rita killing off the Brain by pouring hot water over him was brutal as hell. Bet he wished Laura had completely squished him instead.
- The Fog clearly has a thing for Jane. I thought that earlier in the season but it definitely was more apparent here.
- At least they're taking precautions with time travel by writing their names on them. That should help a bit.
- Chronology: From where the previous episode left off.

Amends Patrol rounds off the season to a decent conclusion. It's not my favourite season finale (don't think anyone can top the sheer brilliance of the first one) but it's a good ending for the season and I'll definitely be back next year to see where our heroes go.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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