Thursday, March 03, 2022

My Review Of Legends Of Tomorrow's 7x13: "Knocked Down, Knocked Up"


Written by Phil Klemmer And Keto Shimizu
Directed by Kevin Mock

Booster Gold (to the Legends): "I hope you don't have any plans for the near future because we're about to spend a lot of time together .... in jail."

Seven seasons. 110 episodes. More cast members that you can shale a stick at and least multiple versions of certain characters and it finally happened. Yup, Booster Gold has entered the Waverider and he's our hook for this show very likely getting renewed for an eighth season and I will genuinely be surprised if the CW don't announce it at once.

When I say entered the Waverider, I mean he stole the damn thing after reneging on his promise to help the Legends with their Alun dilemma and then setting everyone (including Alun) to get arrested for time crimes. Mike, you certainly know how to make a first impression.

Former Scrubs actor Donald Faison was originally meant to be a regular cast member of the CW's Powerpuff Girls live action series but with that looking less likely to happen, it's safe to assume he'll be a regular next season. So far, he's off to an interesting start as Booster Gold and I can't wait to see what the show intends to with the character.

As for Alun, we know that his death was a fixed point but we also know that both Gwyn and the Legends had their own plan. It worked and as a result while we've gained Alun as a regular for next season, we've sadly lost Nate as a character. Nate's exit was a tad rushed but at least he'll get to live in the town with Zari Tomaz even if he's lost his steel powers.

As for Sara and Ava, their pregnancy plans took a hell of a turn in this episode. I didn't have Sara actually being the one to get pregnant but Gary did manage to fill in the gaps of the logistics of her pregnancy as well as her now being vulnerable as a result of it. A good plot for the Avalance fans but something I would've left for a series finale, which this episode isn't intended to be.

Last but not least and before Mile decided to steal the Waverider, there was the Evil Gideon plot to do away with. Getting our Gideon into tricking her evil self into self destructing was a nice move. I've enjoyed Evil Gideon as a baddie but it was time for that storyline to come to an end and it was dealt with swiftly here.

- Even though he didn't wear the classic suit and likely won't next season, Mile certainly had other ways of telling us who he was before actually revealing his identity.
- Outside of Sara/Ava, the rest of the Legends seemed eager to avoid talking about the fates that evil Gideon had shown them.
- Standout music: Booster Gold certainly had fun with Here Comes The Hotstepper by Ini Kamoze.
- Chronology: 1916 Mametz Wood, France for the main action of the episode as well as 30,000 year B.C. for a brief Gary subplot. Of course Gary survived lol.

Knocked Down, Knocked Up loses points a little for Nate's lowkey exit even though this season was heavily hinting at his departure but everything else was spot on though. Like I said earlier in the review, I'd be genuinely surprised if the CW don't renew this show for at least one more season, especially given that they've finally added Booster Gold into the mix.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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