Wednesday, March 02, 2022

My Review of Superman And Lois 2x06: "Tried And True"


Written by Max Kronick And Patrick Barton Leahy
Directed by Amy Jo Johnson

Sergeant (re Superman): "Where are they taking him, sir?"
Anderson: "To be with his brother."

Six episodes into this second season and the worst character can definitely go to Lt Mitch Anderson. Last season when Sam was n charge, there was at least an attempt to male the character sympathetic even when he didn't agree with Superman. The same hasn't been done with Anderson and as a result, the character has been fairly intolerable to watch.

His refusal to take accountability for the young lives his SOA project endangered was one thing but even when Superman tried to reach out to him to help destroy the pendant Bizarro, Anderson thought it would be a better idea to have Superman arrested for treason instead. The only slight plus side to this development means that we'll at least see Tal-Rho for another episode.

Prior to Superman being arrested for treason, Bizarro had actually provided both the former and Lara information on the dangers of people merging with their other selves. The idea of someone as dangerous as Ally Allston becoming a god like being upon being whole certainly makes Bizarro's need to kill her all the more understandable.

Speaking of Ally, she might not have had a  major role in this episode, outside of an opening flashback for Bizarro but her influence on Lucy remained ever present. Sam got close enough to getting both Lois and Lucy to reconnect, only for them to fall out yet again over the fact that Lucy won't see the danger that Ally possesses.

As for Jonathan, this week saw him turn on Jordan after the latter realised that his powers were the result of X-Kryptonite and even his own victory during the game wasn't as enjoyable as he hopes it would be. It did seem that Jonathan was seeing the error of his ways so hopefully this plot will be ending soon.

Last but not least, the Lana and Kyle segment of the episode. The fallout of Kyle's adultery was mostly textbook stuff. We had Sophie wondering of Kyle was coming home while Sarah was mad at him. Then we had Lana talking to Tonya about the affair before deciding that she wanted Kyle out of the house. There was also a good scene between Lana and Clark as well, highlighting the strength of their friendship and we need more scenes like that with the two of them.

- In Bizarro's world, he confronted but didn't kill Ally Allston. Lana also has powers in that world and could hold her own against Bizarro.
- Lucy still hasn't referenced anything that would indicate she was previously in Supergirl. At this point, I don't think she will.
- We had a scene where Superman saved a Russian village from an avalanche, which didn't please Anderson one bit.
- Chronology: A day from where the previous episode left off.

Tried And True continued the strong path we've had this season with more information coming out about Bizarro's world and Allston's overall scheming. The subplots had their moments too and former Power Rangers actor Amy Jo Johnson did a great job directing too.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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