Wednesday, June 01, 2022

My Review of Superman And Lois 2x12: "Lies That Bind"


Written by Rina Mimoun
Directed by David Mahmoudieh

Inverse Tal-Rho: "I should've listened to my brother. You're no saviour."
Ally: "Not yet, but I will be."

And we're back again from another month long break with an episode that while not quite as stunning as the previous ones did have some good moments attached to it. Anyways, let's address the cliff hanger from the previous episode first.

Lana has now become aware of Clark and Superman being the same person and naturally, she didn't take the news as well as possible. As we'l as being frustrated with Clark keeping his secret for too long, she also blamed Lois for not confiding in her earlier. Personally, I was on Lois's side even if I could see why Lana was angry with her.

However Lois did fill Lana in on everything else such as Jordan having powers, Lana's own Inverse self and of course, Ally's general scheme. Lana came close to confiding in Sarah about everything but instead chose to distance herself from Lois and Clark for the time being. I do hope they don't drag that for too long though.

Speaking of Ally, she came to get the pendant and was met with the combination of Superman, Steel and Tal-Rho and the pendant wound up getting destroyed. Ally then vented her anger out on her version of Tal-Rho with him getting reduced to a husk by the end of this episode. That action might wind up costing her the other Lana when the latter learns what became of her husband.

As for Tal-Rho in this version, he might have escaped but it really does feel like the groundwork has been lain for him to turn a new leaf. He even attempted to apologise to Lois and she wound up in his corner while both Sam and John remain skeptical of him. If he makes it in the remaining episodes, maybe he might get a chance to be part of his brother's family after all.

Last but not least, we had a good team effort with Natalie, Jonathan and Jordan as the three tried to get X-Kryptonite to help with the suit Natalie made. It was nice to see the three of them working together, even of their plan wasn't the smartest or even successful, due to Jordan's misuse of his powers. As for Jon-El, he's still pretty much Team Ally in spite of Superman's best efforts to reason with him.

- Kyle assumed that Lana was dating someone else but on the plus side, he did get Sarah a chance to sing in public.
- Anyone else get a tiny bit frustrated that the episode wouldn't directly refer to Ally as Parasite, considering that's exactly who she's meant to be here?
- Lois admitted that prior to Lana she didn't have any female friends.
- Chronology: From where the previous episode left off. We also got some flashbacks to Clark and Lana as kids, teenagers and previous scenes from the first season.

Lies That Bind wasn't quote as strong as it could've been and while Lana's reaction to the massive information dump she got was believable, it was disappointing as well. With the pendant out of action, I do wonder what they're going to do with Ally's for the remainder of the season though.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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