Wednesday, June 08, 2022

My Review of Superman And Lois 2x13: "All Is Lost"


Written by Kristi Korzec
Directed by Elaine Mongeon

Natalie: "But Ally is still out there. We need Superman."
John: "Then until he comes back, we are all gonna have to step up."

Last week I mentioned the lack of referring to Ally as Parasite, so this episode only went and had Lois be the one to refer to Ally as such. Ally also lived up to her title, not only through her flashbacks with Lucy but also through her latest encounter with Superman, which definitely didn't end well for him.

With two episodes left to go, Superman has been drained, Ally will go ahead and try to merge two worlds and everyone else will have to pull together if they want to have a hoping help of stopping her grand scheme. On the plus side, at least Lucy has finally seen Ally for who she really is, even if it almost took Sam nearly being killed to open her eyes. 

The flashbacks between Lucy and Ally did what they needed and showed how Ally was able to make Lucy dependent on her, while in a single way turning Lucy against her sister and father. I've not really liked the way Lucy has been written on this show compared to her depiction on Supergirl but at least she's finally turned a corner.

As for Lana, she's firmly in the camp of keeping her distance from Kents and was even a tad harsh with Jordan too, even of his neediness with Sarah has grated a bit. I did however like her talking to Kyle after the Sarah singing bit and it does look like with her doppelganger coming back to kill Superman, it should give Lana something interesting to do in the last two episodes.

As for Natalie, this episode saw her stepping up in a big way. John found her suit and tried/failed to dissuade her from suiting up but at the same time also had to rely on her help with saving Superman and getting away from Ally. Of course, Nat wasn't the only kid of a superhero getting to spread their wings this week. 

While it was brief, we did get to have a training scene between Superman and Jordan and far more enjoyable to watch than the latter moping over Sarah. However it did seem like Jonathan was excluded from things as he couldn't hide his own hurt feelings over Superman and Jordan bonding over powers.

- Lois lied to Chrissy about Clark wanting a job at the Gazette and it looked like Chrissy was planning on letting Clark down.
-  The way Mama Lane has been mentioned this season, I really wouldn't be shocked if she pops up next season.
- Looks like we're getting one more break before the final two episodes air uninterrupted. 
- Chronology: A flashback into five years ago when Lucy and Ally first met. 

All Is Lost definitely left our title hero in a rather dicey predicament while Ally herself has managed to prove that she doesn't need a pendant to merge both worlds. These remaining episodes have to resolve this storyline in a satisfying way, but no doubt they will.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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