Friday, August 30, 2013

Atlantis - Four Glimpses

It's due to air on BBC1 very soon and yesterday, we finally got four rather brief trailers of upcoming Saturday night fantasy drama, Atlantis. Here they are ...

Arrows: The first trailer show Jason (Jack Donnelly) dodging a row of arrow being shot at him. Something tells me he'll be dodging a lot worse than during the first series.

The Oracle: A glimpse of Juliet Stevenson's Oracle. She sees deadly visions it seems. I am hoping that because we have four main female characters that we'll see more trailers for them as well.

The Heroes: A nice one of Hercules (Mark Addy), Jason (Jack Donnelly) and Pythagoras (Robert Emms) strolling around defiantly. It looks better than the poster we saw of them a while ago, doesn't it?

Jason 2: Another trailer focusing on the hunky lead, this time entering a rather creepy tomb all by himself. I expect this will happen a fair amount on the show.

Overall, some nice little teasers there but with the show due to air within the next few weeks, perhaps it's time for something a little more substantial though. Either way, Atlantis really does look like it's going to be a very worthy successor to Merlin though.

Series 1 Trailers:

Atlantis will air Saturdays on BBC1 in the next few weeks.

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