Friday, August 24, 2018

Superman: The Animated Series - Episodes 21-24 Reviews

Sorry, it's been a little longer than I wanted since my last blog but I've just sat through an interesting selection of episodes with a nice selection of returning baddies and the arrival of a new one.

Episode 21: Action Figures

The return of Metallo. I didn't mind his opening story and this one was rather interesting as it began with Angela Chen talking about some past baddies like the Toyman and Parasite before referencing Metallo being at the bottom of the ocean. Of course, it didn't take long for him to resurface on a volcanic location, befriend a few children, play nice for a bit before regaining his memories and going after Superman again. This led to an interesting scene where the Man of Steel got his face shoved into lava but it also ended on a slightly chilling note as an entrapped Metallo desperately tried to retain his memories this time. 7/10

Episode 22:  Mxyzpixilated 

The guy with the name even I have difficulty pronouncing but whose voice actor I largely recognise as Iago from Aladdin and who also has appeared in Superboy TV series  as well - Gilbert Gottfried. Here Mxy does his best to get the best of Superman and repeatedly gets humiliated, only to keep coming back every three months and you can see where I'm going with this. It's a fun episode, with Mxy being an amusing pest while his bored paramour provides some snarky background commentary but going by the end of the episode, a rematch is clearly inevitable between Superman and the interdimensional pest. 8/10

Episode 23: Double Dose

Livewire and Parasite. It's a great idea for a team up as the former tricked an unsuspecting janitor to give her a little charge while convincing the latter than the two of them could take down Superman together. However it didn't take much for Livewire and Parasite to actually turn on each other. I did like that Superman took some extra measures like covering himself in latex to deal with this double act but once again, it did seem like Parasite is back to square one, memory wise while Livewire found herself a little juiced out. 7/10

Episode 24: Solar Power

Another return as this time, Luminus is back but it's Superman rather than Lois he's out for revenge. I have to give the episode credit for the use of LexCorp and even Luminus finding a way to have a red sun in order to depower Superman for most of the episode while Lois and Jimmy were used as pawns in his game. The fight scenes with Superman and Luminus are pretty good in this episode as well and overall, it's not a bad returning episode too for the guy. 7/10

Next blog I'll delve into Braver New Metropolis, Monkey Fun, Ghosts In The Machine and Father's Day.

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