Monday, August 27, 2018

Superman: The Animated Series - Episodes 25-28 Reviews

In this batch of episodes, we go into a different dimension, Lois catches up with a childhood pet after two decades and both Brianiac and Darkseid return to cause trouble.

Episode 25: Brave New Metropolis

A different world. One minute, Lois and Jimmy are looking at an Kryptonian experiment of Dr Hamilton's and the next one, Lois gets sent to another Metropolis where both Lex Luthor and Superman are working together in a dictatorship and everything else has gone to a handbasket in hell. In this world, Angela is on the street, Jimmy is a resistance leader of sorts and Mercy is still her rather mean self. I do think they could've explored a darker Superman a little better and Lex in this other world was no different to what he usually is but other than that, I really enjoyed this one. 8/10

Episode 26: Monkey Fun

This is the second Lois focused episode in a row and it's a pretty great one, beginning with a flashback of her and Lucy owning a pet monkey named Titano, who then was sent into space by her father for a mission that didn't quite go well. Twenty years later, Superman brings Titano back to Metropolis, Lois realises that looking after a pet as an adult is more stressful than as a child and Titano winds up growing quite a bit and causing chaos in the city before Lois is the one to save the day. Aside from a missed opportunity to introduce Lucy as an adult (though I'm sure we'll see her later on in the series), this was another enjoyable episode. 8/10

Episode 27: Ghost In The Machine

It's been a while since Brainiac has caused some trouble and this episode had him sabotage one of Lex's experiments before forcing the latter's hand in rebuilding him a new body. It's not the greatest episode for Brainiac as he doesn't seem to do anything really that earth shattering aside from trying to kill Superman when the latter catches up with him. If anything, the episode's strength is the grudging team up between Superman and Mercy as the latter revealed a bit more on her loyalty to Lex and even seemed to soften a little to Superman at the episode's end. 7/10

Episode 28: Father's Day

One of the weaker episodes for me but still it had it's good points. I did like seeing both Martha and Jonathan Kent show up in Metropolis and get acquainted with Lois over a spot of lunch. Then there was a second trip to Apokolips where after being doubted by his father for the last time, Kalibak arrives on Earth with the intent to kill Superman and win over his father's approval. Needless to say, he ultimately fails in this task but at least both Superman and Darkseid finally meet with each other, even if nothing exciting emerges from it as well. There's a brief update on Mannheim, who quickly managed to get himself into Darkseid's bad books but other than that, a somewhat weak episode. 6/10

Next blog I'll delve into World's Finest Parts 1-3 and Hand Of Fate.

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