Monday, October 01, 2018

Batman 66 - Episodes 73-76 Reviews

The resolution of one three parter, another two parter with my favourite female character and the start of another three parter in this batch of episodes reviewed.

2x39: The Penguin Declines

Following his absence in the middle segment of this story, the Penguin came back as the Dynamic Duo and Venus escaped being gobbled up by that giant clam from the previous episode. I have to admit Venus's dippiness somewhat grated in this episode as she was easily manipulated by the Penguin to help the Joker try and complete his Zodiac crimes as the two fiends managed to enter the Batcave. Not exactly the first time for the Penguin though. It's an okay resolution to this three part saga. 7/10

2x40: That Darn Catwoman

It wasn't too long ago that Catwoman was teaming up with the Sandman to cause but here, she's back to being her own boss with a new protege unimaginatively named Pussycat, who manages to bring out Robin's bad boy for most of this episode. I have to laugh at Burt Ward's attempts of being bad. I do like the guy a lot as an actor but he never pulls it off that watching him trying to be intimidating during a confrontation with Batman becomes more comical than the script intended it to be. As for Batman, it's not the first time an under the influence Robin spelled danger for him. 8/10

2x41: Scat Darn Catwoman

For once, Catwoman becomes part of the reason Batman gets saved when he grudgingly agrees to becomes Catwoman's partner in crime and while it's obvious that he's only acting along, it's a lot of fun watching this pseudo team up with the pair. I also dig the fact that Catwoman gets to appear in the Batcave and she even seems to get a kick out of it as well. Of course, her general plan is scuppered, Robin snaps out of his trance, Pussycat gets to show some great vocal talent and Catwoman herself seemingly comes to a watery end but we all know she'll be back. 8/10

2x42: Penguin Is A Girl's Best Friend

Someone on the production clearly adores Burgess Meredith a lot. I swear he's appeared the most in this season alone and this is the second three parter he's been as well. This time around, the Penguin is paired with Marsha, Queen of Diamonds and her dotty Aunt Hilda and it's a magical pairing - not from Hilda's end of course, she's still crap on the spell casting front but Penguin and Marsha working on a movie with an unwilling Dynamic Duo is a brilliant plot though. Easily one of the best uses of both characters and the cliffhanger is one of the best ones as well. 8/10

Next blog I'll look into Penguin Sets a Trend/Penguin's Disastrous End and Batman's Anniversary/A Riddling Controversy.

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