Wednesday, October 03, 2018

Superman: The Animated Series - Episodes 49-54 Reviews

I was going to split this for two blogs but decided to ultimately cover the last six episodes of this animated series in just the one.

Episode 49: Superman's Pal

Ah, Jimmy Olsen. He's not had many episodes focusing on him but as we head towards the final few episodes of the show, we finally get one where he's in the spotlight. Mainly because Angela Chen decided to misquote him and get him some notoriety as Superman's BFF. It's also enough to have intern Tina use him in Metallo's latest scheme to kill the Man of Steel. As an episode, it's mildly diverting, not the best use for Metallo but still rather decent though. 7/10

Episode 50: A Fish Story

With this episode, we can mark another League member off the list. I'd like to think had this series ran for another few episodes that maybe we would've seen either Wonder Woman or Cyborg but at least we got to see Aquaman (Miguel Ferrer) who spent the episode either being a prisoner of Lex Luthor or threatening to take vengeance on Earth dwellers for endangering Atlantis. I did like his rapport with Lois in this episode and at least they didn't make him and Superman too hostile towards one another, which is a good thing. 7/10

Episode 51: Unity

And she's back. Like Batman: The Animated Series with Batgirl, this show really did use Supergirl rather sparingly (and there's even a reference to Barbara in this episode) and that probably worked in the character's favour. In this episode we saw Kara being bored by Smallville and excited for her visit to Metropolis while at the same time also battling a parasitic alien named Unity with her cousin as well. It's a fun second outing for the character and I do like the bond we see Kara having with Jonathan and Martha in this one. 7/10

Episode 52: The Demon Reborn

So this is like the fifth episode we've had with Batman then? If this show had produced another season, we probably would've gotten another appearance, right? I'm not complaining though this one isn't quite as great as his previous appearances. Villain wise, this time around it's Ras and Talia (the former being mentioned in Knight Time) as they kidnap Superman in order to restore Ras back to full health. I did like the scenes between Batman and Lois and Superman playing on Ras's devotion to his daughter in order to outsmart him as well. 8/10

Episode 53: Legacy, Part 1

It's the series finale and who deserves to be the main baddie here? Zod? Doomsday? Brainiac? Lex? Nope, Darkseid as the episode opens up with him and Superman actually working together. It seems that off screen Darkseid got a hold of Superman and brainwashed him into believing that he's Darkseid's son with help from Granny Goodness. It's a pretty good scheme and one that nearly works as well when Superman decided to invade Earth with an army and only Lois and Supergirl to try and talk sense into him. There's a subplot with a Superman robot that Lex quickly sees through and decides to use Superman's sudden turn to his own advantage. 8/10

Episode 54: Legacy, Part 2

The last episode and it's an interesting one to end things on. For example, Superman takes his fight with Darkseid to Apokolips and beats the snot out of the latter, thereby liberating a planet of people who don't want to be free, given how they still embrace Darkseid while back on Earth, his relationship with humanity has been somewhat severed. There's a nice final moment with him and Lois but I can't help being slightly annoyed that she never figured out his real identity before the series ended. Lex got a few bad moments in there too and Supergirl showed her own maturity during one scene with her cousin. For a final episode, it does hit the spot though. 8/10

I guess that's it for the Superman reviews for now. Hope you enjoyed reading these as much as I did watching the series again.

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