Thursday, October 11, 2018

My Review of American Horror Story: Apocalypse - Boy Wonder

Written by John J. Gray
Directed by Gwyneth Horder-Payton

Cordelia (re Michael): "That boy will never be Supreme."

You could say that along with the misogyny with the warlocks, the misandry with the witches is just as bad and perhaps this whole battle of the sexes for supremacy between both groups is probably what will push the apocalypse onto things. It's also very likely to be true.

In this episode, both groups seem to up their hostility with one another as Cordelia reluctantly agrees to allow Michael to perform the seven wonders in order to ascend to a level no other Warlock has ever managed to do before. The Seven Wonders are easy for Michael to do, so Cordelia added the extra caveat of having Michael get Misty out of hell, which he also managed to do with relative ease, forcing Cordelia to accept him as her eventual successor.

Of course, while Misty was perceptive enough to spot the evil within Michael and instinctively fear it, Cordelia also revealed that she's using Michael for her own ends as well. Determined not to allow hubris to best her, Cordelia's long game plan seems to involve keeping Michael as close to her as possible and it doesn't seem to be much of a shocker that he might have figured that out himself.

I did like that by the end of the episode, Cordelia managed to get both Madison and Behold on board to take a trip to a certain house for next week's episode. This pairing is interesting, given that Madison did feel excluded from the Coven and that Behold had previously tried to stop John from seeking out Cordelia.

It does seem to be a splinter with the Warlocks in regards to Michael. Ariel seems blinded by the idea of Michael succeeding Cordelia that he aligned with Ms Meade in order to stop John from causing trouble and while Behold accused John of jealousy, it didn't stop him from wanting to work with Cordelia and Madison at the end of this episode. I guess it'll be interesting to see where Baldwin stands by the end of this one in relation to Michael.

As for the rest of the episode, we got our Stevie Nicks appearances and sing song moment to celebrate Misty's return, Myrtle tried to advise Cordelia against letting Michael perform the seven wonders, Queenie and Zoe were just kind of there while Mallory was clearly growing in her powers and Coco didn't really believe that she had any. That said, while I'm loving the witches vs. warlock stuff, we are going to have to get back to the present day at some point though. 

- No Venable, Gallant, Dinah, Andre, Timothy or Emily this week. Next week though, a few people from the first season are back though.
- When the Blood Moon got mentioned, I did think maybe we were going to see something or someone from Roanoke in this episode.
- Standout music was Stevie Nicks Gypsy. Loved the performance in the bunker of that song.
- Chronology: From where Could It Be Satan left off.  

Though not as strong as the incredible previous episode and partly annoying for the quick way of disposing of John, whom I was liking as a character, Boy Wonder did do a great job of upping the game with Cordelia and Michael while also adding Misty back into the mix. 

Rating: 8 out of 10

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