Saturday, October 13, 2018

My Review of How To Get Away With Murder's 5x03: "The Baby Was Never Dead"

Written by Erika Harrison
Directed by Valerie Weiss

Connor (to everyone): "Anyone seen my husband?"

And we can cross Connor off the list right, just leaving the seemingly missing Oliver, Asher, Tegan and Gabriel to be accounted. Given Michaela's gloomy look at Bonnie, she clearly seems to think the latter might have done something to Oliver. Of course that's not the only thing that we have to worry about with Bonnie this week.

Now we know she's got an older sister and I get the sneaking suspicion that fired nurse that Nate conversed with in this episode will probably be her. It does seem a little cliched but it'll be interesting to see how Bonnie interacts with another family member, considering the flash forwards and her current ongoing relationship with Roland, which nearly came undone this week as well.

Asher's meddling this week was somewhat annoying. When he wasn't trying to sabotage Annalise's case of the week, he also told Roland about his previous relationship with Bonnie, which did put the break on things momentarily before Roland showed his own acceptance of Bonnie and her murky past. I like that the show is making him a genuinely sympathetic character, even if I don't predict things ending well for him.

Speaking of the case of the week - it was another interesting one with an obnoxious CEO going to prison for the death of his former business partner because he loved his wife enough to not let her get sent down for the crime. The case certainly seemed to thaw the hostility with Annalise and Tegan and there was a hint of misconduct from Emmett when he was in London, which I'm intrigued enough to learn about I guess.

As for the rest of the episode - Frank upped his stalking of Gabriel as the latter got more integrated with the Keating 4. I got the sense that the writers were potentially setting up a future hook up with Gabriel and Laurel while thankfully also avoiding a potential one with Frank and Michaela as the two briefly bonded towards the end of this episode.

- Any guesses on who attacked Connor? He did seem rather shifty during that brief scene.
- How long will it be before Gabriel moves in with the Keating 4? I'm also guessing that nurse is his "mom". I like that Christopher also laughs for Annalise all the time. Maybe Laurel just isn't funny after all.
- I could see a potential hook up with Annalise and Tegan, unless they plan to go there with the latter and Michaela, who really does seem too fixated on Tegan.
- Chronology: Two months until the wedding night from hell.

The Baby Was Never Dead is a strong enough episode, helped by an interesting case of the week but I do feel they need to get on with telling us what Gabriel is up and do it fast. Other than that, I am liking the build up towards Connor and Oliver's wedding though.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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