Thursday, October 18, 2018

My Review of American Horror Story: Apocalypse - Return To Murder House

Written by Crystal Liu
Directed by Sarah Paulson

Constance (to Madison): "I'm Constance Langdon and this is my fucking house."

For the last three episodes, it's been all about the Coven side of the crossover but it's time for the Murder House to come back out to play in an episode where a fair chunk of favourites from the first season return as Madison and Behold go looking for answers in relation to Michael Langdon and what they find out, we already knew but they're certainly shocked themselves to learn.

I'm going to be controversial here and point out that Constance Langdon isn't strictly a favourite character of mine but having Jessica Lange back after a four year absence from the show and in her original role actually worked a treat as Constance was her usual chain smoking, whiskey drinking self, reluctant to share any information with Madison and Behold until Moira was finally gone from the house altogether.

This episode wrapped up Moira's arc in an interesting way as her bones were dug and buried in the graveyard with her mother. It was a nice ending for the character, though I will miss the rivalry between herself and Constance. Still, at least by getting rid of the help, Constance finally opened up about being a (bad) mother and raising her grandson.

Nothing in Michael's childhood flashbacks were really that shocking. In fact, they were all pretty textbook garden variety serial killer bit except for when he aged a decade and his malevolence was enough to make Constance commit suicide in the murder house to get away from him, once and for all.

What was interesting was the influence other first season characters had on him. Violet had no relationship with him while Tate seemed disgusted by Michael's dark side. Ben tried his hardest to be a surrogate father to Michael but couldn't quell the latter's bloodlust or ability to send people's souls to hell while Vivian's later attempts to kill him failed but even then she waited too late as Michael fell under the influence of a Satanist group.

Michael being the antichrist is hardly shocking, we've known this for a long time but Madison and Behold's reaction was pretty great to see. As a team, both Emma Roberts and Billy Porter played off each other rather well and I liked the episode's attempt of humanising Madison a lot more even if I'm a little iffy on her role in reuniting both Tate and Violet but the shippers for that particular pairing are probably doing a victory dance right now.

- As well as directing the episode, Sarah Paulson also reprised her role as Billie Dean Howard and looked more like the character than her appearance in Hotel for certain. We also got to see Constance's other children and the Black Dahlia to boot.
- A lot of absences this episode even though technically the only regulars missing were Leslie Grossman, Cheyenne Jackson, Billie Lourd and Adina Porter. Naomi Grossman (Pepper) also played a Satanist in this one.
- The longest episode we've had so far this season, which seemed apt considering the previous episode was the shortest one.
- Chronology: From where the previous episode left off as Madison and Behold posed as a married couple to buy the murder house.

Return To Murder House is definitely a season highlight. One of the best episodes going, it gave further closure on storylines from the first season while at the same time, getting some of our current players up to speed on how big a problem Michael actually is. Sarah Paulson did a fantastic job directing, the returns were brilliant and the double act with Madison and Behold was an unexpected delight.

Rating: 10 out of 10

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