Friday, October 19, 2018

My Review of How To Get Away With Murder's 5x04: "It's Her Kid"

Written by Maisha Closson
Directed by Cherie Nowlan

Annalise (to Nate, re Bonnie): "She had the baby when she was fifteen. Her father said it was dead."

Except, it's not and now it seems like there's two possible outcomes for who Bonnie's kid might. That kid shooting up heroin that Julie was castigating while Nate was spying on her and of course, Gabriel who finally seems to have Bonnie in his crosshairs. Either way, it's time to get on with it and let us know for certain who Bonnie's son actually is.

Right now, I'm still convinced it's Gabriel and that the other guy we briefly saw in this episode is just a red herring but knowing this show, it could be the exact opposite of what I'm thinking. On the plus side, at least Bonnie is now aware that Nate has been digging into her past, due to Annalise being honest with her former right hand woman and of course, going by the trailer for next week, it looks like Bonnie might not take that so well.

This episode also cemented her relationship with Roland as the latter has now officially become her boss as well as her boyfriend. I like Roland enough as a character and the show is shaping him up to be a decent man, but at the same time, I still think he's the dead body in spite of this week potentially hinting at some danger for Nate during the wedding. Why does Bonnie have his phone in the flash forwards and where is Oliver as well?

Speaking of Oliver, it was interesting seeing him and Frank come to blows (not physical ones though) over hacking Gabriel but I wasn't surprised in the slightest that Frank got Otis to hack Oliver too and to be honest, Oliver shouldn't have been either. However the hacking of Gabriel also managed to bring out the worst in Connor too this week.

I can see why Connor might have been curious as to why Annalise picked him and I can almost understand him blowing up at her too but whatever it was, they clearly are going to make up before the former's wedding though. Hopefully by next week, we also get an insight as to why Annalise chose Connor to be in her inner circle as well.

As for the main case of the week - I totally did not blame Annalise for losing her temper when that woman touched her hair but I also loved Tegan taking control of the case and forcing Michaela to do some grunt work as well. While Michaela does need to dial her fixation on Tegan down a bit, at least the latter seems to be disliking her just that tiny bit less.

As for Asher - this season really is struggling with him a lot as a character. He can get some great moments where he talks about his loneliness to Bonnie or organising Connor and Oliver's wedding but then there are tedious scenes where he's sniping at Michaela, Gabriel and Annalise. I really hope the rest of the season sorts this out with the character. Also, Asher is still missing in the flash forwards.

- Does the show plan to go anywhere romantically with either Laurel/Gabriel or Annalise/Tegan? I don't care about the former but the latter definitely seems more interesting.
- We did learn that Michaela used to work in a burger joint where she was a manager for a time.
- Nate's father will now go to a mental institution if Annalise's insanity plea is a success.
- Chronology: A month and a half before the big day.

It's Her Kid felt like it was treading water, episode. No big reveals in the flash forwards beyond Bonnie having Nate's phone and Annalise crying in her apartment but to me, those feel like a red herring. I do feel they need to get the identity of Bonnie's kid out of the way and hopefully soon now.

Rating: 6 out of 10

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