Thursday, November 08, 2018

My Review of American Horror Story: Apocalypse - Fire And Reign

Written by Asha Michelle Wilson
Directed by Jennifer Arnold

Michael (to the witches): "I told Cordelia exactly what I was going to do to you all."

Ah yes, between brooding about not having an instruction manual for being the Antichrist, Michael might have mentioned something about getting revenge for Meade's death. Here, he somewhat did that by taking out most of Cordelia's girls and only three of actual importance as we had to watch Zoe, Queenie and Bubbles die and Michael made sure that Cordelia wasn't able to bring them back either.

Of course, Cordelia, Myrtle, Madison, Mallory and Coco all managed to survive and when Cordelia didn't flip out over Madison not telling her about Michael's ability to burn souls or cry about her failure as a Supreme, Myrtle at least was made of sterner stuff. I've not always been the biggest fan of Myrtle but she has been a great mentor to Cordelia yet again and at least she was trying to come up with ideas to deal with Michael bringing about the end of days.

Trying to ally themselves with the Warlocks however turned out to be fruitless, considering that Michael quickly dispatched of them. A shame as I enjoyed both Behold and John Henry but not a surprise either that he'd slaughter them all.

However the solution to stopping Michael now seems to be falling into Mallory's hands. This week, Myrtle and Cordelia tried to test the future Supreme's powers by having her go back in time to prevent the assassination of the Romanovs. It also seems that Anastasia was a witch, albeit not a powerful enough one to prevent her family's death and even Mallory wasn't able to get a handle on this ability as of yet.

It was predicted ages ago that time travel would play a role in Michael's inevitable defeat and while Mallory failed at it here, she'll probably get the handle on it by next. I don't know how this show is going to wrap up this all by next week but I have a feeling some short curs are going to be made in order to do it.

As for the rest of the episode - Jeff and Mutt were mainly pulling the strings through Michael in order to get the Cooperative/Illuminati in order for the end of days while at the same time charming a rather fed up Venable into taking over one of her outposts. It is a little annoying that Michael was seemingly manipulated by two coked out nerds for most of this episode but with any luck, both Jeff and Mutt have some horrible deaths coming their way when their big plan does come to fruition.

- Misty was out gallivanting with Stevie Nicks while Cordelia and her remaining coven were hiding out in Misty's shack.
- Dinah helped Michael kill the witches so she could get thirteen episodes of a talk show? There's got to be some kind of a comeuppance for her next week.
- Looks like we're getting another appearance from Constance next week going by that trailer.
- Chronology: From where Sojourn left off as well as the visit to 1918 Siberia.

Fire And Reign certainly marked an improvement on last week but it's still odd to me that we are still in flashback mode with only one episode to go. I'm also not sure why the last few episodes have been shorter than usual but at least we're back towards the present where hopefully next week's finale will bring about a satisfying ending for things.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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