Wednesday, November 07, 2018

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 4x03: "Dancing Queen"

Written by James Eagan & Morgan Faust
Directed by Kristin Windell

Ray (re Charlie): "She definitely isn't Amaya."
Mick: "No, but I do like her."

With this season upping the regulars, it was high time we met two more of them as we've already had Ava and Constantine firmly bedded into the season. First up - it's Charlie and she's quite something else as the Legends (mostly Ray) learned in this episode.

Taking things 1977 London, Charlie is the lead singer in a punk group named the Smell and she's determined to cause her own anarchy in the UK by having the Queen acting all punk and getting an undercover "Rage" to indulge in a bout of Corgi napping for good measure.

Mostly played by former Sarah Jane Adventures actor, Anjli Mohidra, Charlie is a fun enough antagonist for this episode, forming a rather nice bond with Ray before the rest of the Legends stepped into the fray with Constantine removing her shape shifting abilities and complicating things for the group by having her stuck in the form of Amaya. Acting wise, this will definitely give Maisie Richardson-Sellers an interesting challenge and allow her to use her own natural accent.

Needless to say, this is going to cause further tensions within the group, especially as Nate has been avoiding going back to the Waverider so he's not reminded of Amaya at all. Speaking of Nate, keeping him at the Time Bureau isn't a bad idea as his scenes with Ava and Gary have been rather fun to watch and this week, they also included a fight with a deadly plant from another time period.

Onto our other new regular - this episode also debuted delivery girl, Mona (Ramona Young) who  seemed to take a shine to Gary when the latter wasn't wiping her mind. Right now, I'll admit the character left me a bit cold and with Nora also due to resurface at some point, I can't help wondering if we really need Mona as a regular. Hopefully the next few episodes will do something interesting with the character though.

As for the rest of the episode, when there wasn't fun being pulled at Ray's lack of rebellious streak, we also had Constantine and Mick nearly coming to blows and the former also having a rather fraught reunion with his parents. I did quite like Zari's scenes with John this week and her gesture at the end was rather sweet. As for the rivalry between Mick and Constantine, well that doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon.

- Zari's air totem is now a bracelet thanks to some modifications Ray made to it. Ray also ended up confessing to Sara that he let Nora loose.
- It seems that John and Gary "broke up" off screen. Boo to that one. Did we also see Papa Midnite in that flashback?
- Bit tacky to get the "dare to defy" CW tagline in there with Gary, wasn't it?
- Chronology: 1977 London and the Pleistocene period.

Dancing Queen marked a good debut for Charlie but I could've done without Declan's fake Irish accent and even though I am enjoying Constantine as a regular, sending the baddie of the week to hell can't be the only solution all the time. Granted, Ray managed to stop that happening to Charlie but it's still a format I don't want the show to fall into continuously though.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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