Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Batman 66 - Episodes 89-92 Reviews

Getting close to the end of the second season, we've got another origin female baddie and a rather artistic turn from a familiar baddie to enjoy here.

2x55: Black Widow Strikes Again

I love this show for it's original baddies and while Black Widow (no, not that one!) isn't one of my favourite, this two parter does have a delightful performance from Tallulah Bankhead as the titular baddie of the piece. Black Widow has a talent for using her cerebral controlling devices to rob from as many banks as she can and soon enough, she attracted the attention of the Dynamic Duo. They also fell into her little web trap with some of the dodgiest spiders to precede a certain Doctor Who serial as well. 7/10

2x56: Caught In The Spider's Den

Well, the oddest moment in this episode is either seeing Black Widow trying and spectacularly failing to pass off as Robin with a glorified corpse as Batman during one of her robberies or having Robin break Batman out of Black Widow's thrall by getting him to sing a bit of Gilbert and Sullivan. They're both strange moments in an episode where the Black Widow ended up becoming a victim of her own device. Two parter wise, it's not my favourite but it has some decent moments. 7/10

2x57: Pop Goes The Joker

With so many stories for the Joker in the series, it's been amusing to see what the show would do with him next and for this one, they decided to go down the route of him being an artist to the elite of Gotham. He even got himself a rather dimwitted sponsor with heiress Lisa, who seemed a bit too quick to declare him a winner of an international competition before holding a few rich people (including Bruce Wayne, who easily antagonises the Clown Prince) hostage and ending the episode with Robin about to become a bloody masterpiece to boot. 8/10

2x58: Flop Goes The Joker

The highlights for the second half of this two parter all stem from Alfred. Whether it's his paintings being used to undo the Joker's latest schemes, actually seeing him dual with the Clown Prince and take pleasure in making the latter suffer a little with the Bat Poles - this is definitely one of Alfred's best episodes. Heck, we even get him managing to get O'Hara to take home one of his paintings at the end. I am surprised however that the Joker didn't suss out that he was about to head down to the Batcave though and Lisa is easily one of the worst female accomplices (unwitting as she was) we've had on the show. Other than that, a great second half though. 8/10

Next blog I'll delve into Ice Spy/The Duo Defy, Enter Batgirl, Exit Penguin and Ring Around The Riddler.

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