Tuesday, December 11, 2018

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 4x08: "Legends Of To-Meow-Meow"

Written by James Eagan & Ray Utarnachitt
Directed by Ben Bray

Constantine: "What the Fraggle Rock is going on here?"

Good question. Simple answer though: John - you and Charlie royally fucked up the timelines and ignored Zari's sensible advice by leaving her a cat a little too long before realising what needed to be done. Essentially put, these two really are part of the team now.

As for the botched up timelines, there was a lot of fun to be had here. First of all, we had Custodians Of The Chronology which had Ray, Mick, Garima and Nate banding together in order to wipe out supernatural threats, so a Leprechaun friend of Charlie barely makes it two minutes on screen before he's taken out and hiding out at the Time Bureau doesn't pan out that well for Charlie either.

However when Charlie and Constantine go back in time to take out the unicorn that killed Sara (and to spare us Indigo Girls influenced Ava), this only lead to Sirens Of Spacetime. A daft, hair flicking mash up of Charlie's Angels and Buffy The Vampire Slayer, it's up to White Canary (Sara), Roundhouse (Ava) and Hard Drive (Gideon) to take out the magical creatures and Charlie's attempts to pass herself off as Amaya is something of a dud.

It's at this point in the episode where it becomes obvious that along with John having to go back and letting Desmond be dragged to hell with Neron that Charlie's influence on the team is what curbed their kill happy stance on magical creatures. However, we still have to get a team up with Mick and the Fairy Godmother and DC's Puppets Of Tomorrow before Charlie clocks on to that lesson though. It also wouldn't be remiss that there's some singing involved in this particular part of this 'crossover' event.

Last but not least, there's Constantine actually doing the right thing and going back to fix his mistake with Desmond (nice kiss there, guys) as Charlie and Sara come to a rather violent showdown on the Waverider. Now that John and Charlie have fixed their mess, had Zari call them out on their recklessness and informed Sara about Neron, it led to the most obvious part of the episode.

I knew that Neron was going to get out of hell looking like Desmond and align himself with Hank. It was the most predictable thing the show could've done and it makes sense to have the Project Hades and Neron plots merge together as we head into the second half of the season. It also ties in with Constantine warning Sara that Neron likes to play as cruelly as possible.

- We got some shade thrown at the current Elseworlds crossover (I'll be reviewing that later this week) with the Waverider turning down calls from Oliver, Barry and Kara.
- With the Kaupe still on the loose, I'm assuming Mona is with him. It was nice to see her interact with more characters this week. Nora on the other hand was a no show here.
- The Mike the Spike plot from last week was briefly resolved at the end of this one. I wonder will we see him again later in the season.
- Chronology: A brief dip into 1962 Las Vegas but mostly 2018 based again.

Legends Of To-Meow-Meow might not have Batwoman, Superman and Lois Lane but it certainly had enough time bending, mind bending and absolute batshit crazy moments that having our Waverider crew sit out that other crossover was probably for the best here. It's annoying that we have to wait four months to see the remainder of this season play out but I'm sure it'll be worth it though.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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