Friday, February 01, 2019

Batman 66 - Episodes 113-116 Reviews

In a batch of stories, we've got the arrival of the police commissioner who wants to make the city a man free zone, a little bit of counterfeit cash from a fraudulent bird and a train robbery to boot. Mixed bag people.

3x19: Nora Clavicle And The Ladies' Crime Club

If there's one thing this show has been good with, it's been creating their own villains and with Nora Clavicle (Barbara Rush), you've got another entertainingly over the top female antagonist, albeit one with a little bit of straw man feminism probably going against. For most of this episode, she successfully replaced both Commissioner Gordon and O'Hara with her own female police force before restraining the Terrific Trio in one of the most dangerous bondage scenarios they've ever been in. Then a bunch of wind up exploding mice kind of put paid to her overall scheme and things went back to normal. Still though, while probably one of the least PC episodes the show has ever done, it's also a rather amusing one too. 7/10

3x20: Penguin's Clean Sweep

This season alone, the Penguin has tried a shotgun wedding with Barbara Gordon and even got up to some dodgy horse racing schemes with Lola Lasagna but here, he's resorting to a daft scheme with counterfeit money while also trying to use a bit of Lygerian Sleeping Sickness in order to deal with Batman, Batgirl and Robin as well at one point in the episode. There's also a scene where Bruce and Barbara are enjoying a bit of coffee as well, only for that to be interrupted by the return of another baddie too. This is technically the last time we see Burgess Meredith as the character, although not exactly the last time we see the Penguin. 6/10

3x21: The Great Escape

Yeah, I have to admit to not being the greatest fan of Shame as a character, so another two parter with him and his newly formed gang (including a rather posh speaking Mexican guy who seems to be disdainful of Shame) wasn't exactly on my list of things I would have wanted to have seen in this final season. The oddest bit happens towards the end of the episode where Shame employs fear gas in order to terrify the Terrific Trio and take Batgirl as hostage. That begs the question - if the show could use fear gas for an episode back in 1968, why couldn't this have been a Scarecrow two parter instead? I'd like to think had this show been fortunate enough to have bagged a fourth season, we would've seen Jonathan Crane in the show. It slightly annoys me that Shame was allowed to do that. 5/10

3x22: The Great Train Robbery

Some of this episode was spent with Batgirl being a helpless damsel in distress for Shame and the gang and then there was the trade off with her and Shame's future mother in law. The rest of the episode then had a botched robbery and Shame becoming a victim of his own fear gas with even Batman calling him a sissy at one point. Like the Nora Clavicle episode before it, there are some pretty awful stereotypes and as a two parter, it just didn't engage me enough to really care about anything. On the other hand, at least the end scene set up a welcome return of someone else. 5/10

My last series blog will take in I'll Be A Mummy's Uncle, The Joker's Flying Saucer, The Enchanting Dr Cassandra and Minerva, Mayhem And Millionaires.

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