Friday, February 01, 2019

My Review of Gotham's 5x05: "Pena Dura"

Written by Iturri Sosa
Directed by Mark Tonderai

Gordon: "We need shock and awe."
Eduardo: "Shock and awe is my default."

After the hype of Bane coming to this show in it's final season, it was time to at least meet him pre-transformation and here he is as Eduardo Dorrance (Shane West) surfaced in the city in order to help Gordon and the GCPD deal with the anarchy of the city, along with the Haven bomber.

Now we all know who Eduardo is going to become but I couldn't help but be a little disappointed with the quick reveal of him playing a role in Haven's destruction. Yes, it should've been obvious that Nygma was being mind controlled thanks to Hugo Strange and the still not seen on screen Secretary Walker (Jaime Murray) but the reveal itself felt so anticlimactic as Gordon realised his former comrade is one of the bad guys.

On the other hand though, the Nygma scenes were truly the highlight of the episode. We saw Edward try to reason with James over his innocence before taking his chances being a wanted man to even tricking a trashy family of sorts to endanger themselves when they were trying to avenge the death of a dog. As for the bit where dogs don't smile, boo to you, Ed.

Of course the best scenes were the ones he had with Oswald. Edward genuinely seemed hurt by the idea that the closest person he's had to a friend would set him up to be a puppet and even seemed relieved when he realised Oswald didn't do this. Then there was the brief interaction he had with Barbara before falling into Hugo Strange's clutches yet again.

Strange does seem to repeatedly prove that he has no standards with whom he's willing to work and to be honest, I really could've done without seeing him cut into Edward's brain before the disappointing Eduardo reveal came about. Still though, I'm hoping by the next episode this sleeper agent plotline with Nygma will be concluded before Walker moves into her next phase.

As for Bruce and Selina - well, they're at odds again with the former unable to reach out to the latter and worrying about the impact of killing someone. Did Bruce forget that she bumped off Reggie back in the first season and similarly showed no remorse for it?  Anyways they had some rather strong interactions this week, even if Selina once again pushed Bruce away from her.

However, the end scene revealed that Jeremiah is actually alive and that both him and Ecco were just letting Bruce and Selina believe that Jeremiah was dead as he worked on getting two random people set up for what will be his thrilling climax in his overall fixation of Bruce no doubt. Given what we know is due to come, this should be a rather interesting way to bring Cameron Monaghan further into Clown Prince territory.

- Pena Duro is the prison where Bane was created and spent most of his life in. Why the show slightly altered the title for this episode (where they didn't even mention the place) is a bit confusing.
- I take it Jeremiah has somehow managed to take over Wayne Manor or somewhere very similar looking. Where have Bruce and Alfred been living this season?
- Edward's reaction to learning that Oswald named his dog after him was hilarious. Eduardo's right hand man, Angel is meant to become this show version of the baddie, Bird as well.
- Chronology: From where Ruin essentially left off, though no interactions with Barbara and Gordon this week.

Pena Dura finally revealed that the government are the bigger threat to the city while Jeremiah's own little machinations made for a good end scene. I'll admit that I'm a little uncertain about the show's upcoming version of Bane but we'll see how that pans out when it comes back in two weeks time though.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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