Thursday, October 10, 2019

My Review of American Horror Story: 1984 - True Killers

Written by Jay Beattie
Directed by Jennifer Lynch

Margaret (to Benjamin): "You were always so sweet to me and now I get to lay my sins upon you one more time."

You know what, that should've been obvious. As twists go, this season is knocking them out pretty well and this episode not only fleshed out Montana's motives for wanting Brooke dead but also revealed that Margaret is the real killer from 1970.

Given Margaret's general demeanor, it should've been clear from the start that she had the killer instinct in her. She had no problem setting the Night Stalker against Mr Jingles and when confronted with the latter, we soon learned that relentless bullying as a counselor led to Margaret enacting the perfect revenge and allowing her only friend at Camp Redwood to take the fall.

Not that this really clears Benjamin either. He's been bumping off innocent people since the season began and this episode he not only killed poor Chef Bertie but he slow cooked Xavier (who managed to survive) and even got to impale Richard for good measure. Of course, once he knew that he was an innocent man of a 14 year massacre, he'd get shot by the real killer. Luckily for him, Margaret happens to be a crap shot.

Of course, knives are more Margaret's area of expertise and she had no problem using one on Trevor while allowing the rest of the scattered group to think that Benjamin killed him. Given how quickly people are exposing themselves in this series, I don't think Margaret is going to waste time playing the long game as she tries to bump off the rest of the group.

Speaking of long games, both Montana and Donna could learn to play theirs a lot better. Both women let their desire for results get the better of them and with Brooke caught in the middle between two killers, we got to see Montana and Donna scrap it out before the latter ended up watching Richard getting resurrected for those hoping for another supernatural twists besides ghosts this season.

With Richard back in the game, Richter still around the place, both Montana and Donna immersed in their own schemes and Margaret being the actual killer to watch out, it'll be interesting to see how Brooke, Xavier and Chet will actually make it out of this season alive, if they do. Nah, they're probably all going to be dead before the 100th episode in two weeks, aren't they?

- Montana's brother, Sam (the guy who Brooke lied about not sleeping with) is the reason behind the former's desire to kill Brooke and team up with Richard Ramirez.
- For someone who was killed off two episodes ago, this is another one where the writers found a way to include Hopple and she looked rather sadistic when torturing Benjamin with electroshock therapy.
- Standout music: Billy Idol's Rebel Yell, which Montana thought was appropriate for her aerobics class.
- Chronology: From where Slashdance left off.

True Killers might not have entirely shocked with the Margaret twist but it was still nicely handled and the flashbacks with Montana and Richard were a good way of opening the episode. As a character though, Brooke is starting to emerge as the weakest and while I don't want the character to become a psycho bitch, she does need a bit of fire in her at this point.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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