Tuesday, October 15, 2019

My Review of How To Get Away With Murder's 6x03: "Do You Think I'm A Bad Man?"

Written by Daniel Robinson
Directed by Catriona McKenzie

Detective (to Connor): "You did this. Tell us why?"

Last week's flash forward ended with Michaela being a suspect in Annalise's "murder" (yes, note I'm still skeptical on that actually being a thing), so this week the focus turned on to Connor being a potential killer with the last moment resulting in him having one hell of a panic attack.

I've seen some people wonder if Connor was faking that in order to buy some time but it looked pretty genuine to me and he does have a history of freaking out when the shit really hits the fan. Now, do I believe he killed Annalise - of course not, but let's see how this plays out nonetheless.

As for the present day - Connor took some risky steps to reunite Hector with his mother, got into trouble with ICE and it was up to both Tegan and Bonnie to help him get the result he wanted but overall, it was a good storyline for him this episode, given that we got very little screen time with Connor and Oliver this week.

Keeping with the cases, Michaela managed to guilt trip Annalise into giving her a big one, involving the grieving woman of a man who was shot during a botched robbery. The woman in question wasn't massively sympathetic and both Michaela and Gabriel nearly lost the case before Annalise managed to steer things around.

Speaking of Michaela, her anger towards Annalise did seem to calm down a bit but then Gabriel had to go and reveal that her father was actually the lawyer rather than the client and in a slightly more predictable turn of events, might not be dead after all. Of course he isn't. That would've been too easy, wouldn't it?

As for the boring parts of the episodes, because sadly there was a few of them - I'm not really sure if Vivian can be sustained an entire season and does anyone really care about Gabriel at this point? Then there's also Nate's tiresome vendetta against Tegan, which I'm hoping doesn't result in the latter being vilified and of course, Frank falling into the most obvious of traps during his search for Laurel, which is another story that needs to come to an end if Karla Souza isn't returning to the show.

- We found out in this episode that Tegan is married/trying to divorce a woman named Cora. She also seems to be not holding back on her attraction to Annalise as well.
- Asher is in desperate need of a storyline this season. This episode was mostly him being a sycophant for Michaela and little else.
- Cute little moment with Oliver mildly flirting with Frank as he also tried to get more insight into the latter's relationship with Bonnie.
- Chronology: Not long from where the previous episode left off.

Do You Think I'm A Bad Man? isn't strictly a boring episode but it did have some rather boring moments in it (Frank, Gabriel, Nate, etc). Other than that, I did like the main cases, I'm enjoying the flash forwards and any scene with Annalise and Tegan is a highlight this final season.

Rating: 6 out of 10

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