Friday, October 04, 2019

My Review of How To Get Away With Murder's 6x02: "Vivian's Here"

Written by Michael Russo
Directed by Mike Smith

Vivian (to Annalise): "Who the hell did you piss off this time?"

Well, as the title revealed - Vivian is in fact here but we knew that from last week. This week though, our main players are privy to her presence and are largely convinced that she's working with the FBI. In reality, she's mostly here to get Gabriel back and go over some old wounds with Annalise, the latter of which she was more successful at doing.

I did enjoy the scenes with Vivian and Annalise as both women went over their history with Sam and the fact that latter was the other woman in the trio. Of course, I'm getting the impression that despite airing their issues, Vivian will continue to be a problem for Annalise and the Keating 5 and perhaps Frank should've let Annalise deal with Vivian when the latter had the chance.

Of course when we weren't going over the issues of Sam, Annalise also dropped the bombshell to Vivian that Gabriel killed an ex-boyfriend named Paul. I have to admit I must have zoned out during the time when Gabriel mentioned that to Michaela but no doubt that little revelation is also going to put their relationship at odds too.

Speaking of Michaela, this was a bit of a big episode for her. In the flashfoarwards she seems to be in the frame for Annalise's "murder" with her fingerprints found on the murder weapon in question while in the present she's furious with Annalise for not revealing about knowing her father and in the present day, Michaela's anger only intensified all the more when it turned out that her father died a year ago.

While this does provide a motive for Michaela to be a suspect, I really don't think it'll be her at all. Then again, I'm still largely unconvinced that Annalise is actually dead but it's still interesting enough to see every week what motive other characters will have for "killing" her though.

Then there's the Laurel segment of the piece. After my review for last week's premiere went up, it was announced that Karla Souza had left the series, so whatever is going on with this really does need to be resolved. At this rate, I think Laurel just took her son, legged it and took the evidence that Wes had in that safety deposit box for her own protection. I'm hoping this plotline will finish up soon so that Frank can have another purpose this season.

- Tegan, Connor and Asher worked on the main case of the week involving an immigrant boy being mistreated by ICE. Connor gave one hell of a passionate speech in court.
- If we're going down the Nate vs. Tegan path, then I'm on the latter's side. Oh and Bonnie lost her job this week.
- Apparently Viola Davis wrote the last scene that Annalise and Vivian shared this week. I wonder if there's a chance that she can write an episode for this last season.
- Chronology: A few days after the events of the first episode of the season.

Vivian's Here mostly felt like a filler and it did seem rather unsatisfying to have Michaela's father be dead off screen but the Connor scenes as well as Annalise's moments with both Vivian and Tegan certainly elevated the episode a little though.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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