Wednesday, October 09, 2019

My Review of Titans 2x05: "Deathstroke"

Written by Bianca Sams
Directed by Nick Gomez

Deathstroke (to Dick): "Always the hero, but you're not gonna dictate how this will go."

I guess we really did go all Death In The Family on this one, didn't we? After pausing the story last week to give us an Aqualad flashback, this week we were brought back into Jason Todd being kidnapped by Deathstroke and Doctor Light and everything going to hell in a hand basket by the end of it.

Do I believe that Robin 2.0 just died and we're about to get Red Hood for the remainder of the season? It's probably likely to happen though next week's episode is also finally getting around to the Conner Kent and Cadmus arcs of the season. Here though, Jason proved to be a rather chatty captive before he plummeted to his doom.

It was believable to see Jason's captivity divide the gang as it reinforced to Hank, Dawn and Donna that Dick was wrong for re-opening the Tower again as they came to blows over trading Rose for Jason. Even Gar and Rachel came to blows in this episode and the latter nearly killed Rose as well, which does show it's going to take more than a few pep talks from Kory for Rachel to get full control over her powers.

Kory's return to the gang was a highlight in this episode. She had great moments with Dick, Donna and Rachel and more than got the better of Slade during the final fight sequences as well. Dick isn't wrong about her being a natural leader and it's pretty clear that Kory has no intention of returning to her home world any time soon.

As for Rose, she was largely unsympathetic towards Jason being captured by her father but her fear certainly kicked in when both Hank and Rachel tried to stop her from leaving the Tower. I felt a little bad for her in that moment but mostly she seems unwilling to help the team and I'm not sure they can sustain that for too long with the character.

The best bits of the episode were obviously Jason's scenes with Doctor Light and Deathstroke and of course, the confrontation between Slade and Dick. Hopefully there's more on that score to come in the remaining eight episodes as there's still more history (especially with Jericho) that needs to be explored, even if we do have another arc and slew of characters to meet up with.

- Doctor Light pushed his luck in this episode and wound up being killed off Deathstroke. I can't say I'll miss the guy tbh.
- It's amazing that essentially removing Batman/Joker and replacing them with Dick/Slade has actually given us a great live action take on a classic storyline.
- I was surprised we didn't get a direct follow up to that Dick and Jericho flashbacks but I imagine we will soon though.
- 22 minutes since the end of Ghosts.

Easily the best episode of the series so far. I loved Deathstroke from start to finish and there wasn't a dull moment though. Every character had their moment to shine, Slade continues to impress as the baddie of the piece and it really has been hammered home how much better the whole series is. I really hope the Cadmus arc is as compelling as this one has been.

Rating: 9 out of 10

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