Wednesday, April 29, 2020

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 5x09: "The Great British Fake Off"

Written by Jackie Canino
Directed by David A. Geddes

Constantine (to Zari): "The bloody ring. Must have been here the whole time."

With five episodes left to go and two out of three Fate sisters determined to get the Loom of Fate in working order again, it's great that the show isn't wasting time as this episode certainly got the final piece - a ring. Now we just need to see everything go to hell when Lachesis and Atropos inevitably gain the upper hand.

For now, this was an episode that saw Zari and Constantine dominating the A plot as they searched for the ring, following Charlie/Clotho telling the team of a past encounter with Enchantress (Samantha Liane Cole). Long story short, John's spell went awry, both him and Zari wound up in the past where the mild mannered Mrs Hughes (Marion Eisman) was hosting a dinner party with some select Encores.

The Encores being the not so charming bunch of Dr White/Jack the Ripper (Timothy Lyle), Henry the Eighth (Chris Gauthier), Brutus (Peter Ciuffa), Black Caesar (Sean Millington) and Bonnie (Abby Ross) and Clyde (Ben Sullivan). The latter two were more than happy to bump off the competition and even bought Constantine and Zari's cover until the real Jack made his presence known.

Along with working together to find the ring, the episode did hint at a possible future hook up with John and Zari. I'm not sure how I feel about that tbh. No denying that Tala Ashe and Matt Ryan do have chemistry but the writing for it feels a little forced. Still though they did make for a good team in this episode.

Elsewhere with Sara taken out of commission for most of this one, it was up to Ava, Gary and Mick to venture into hell to get some answers out of Astra, who of course got some of her own when Lachesis introduced her to Atropos and by the end of this one, Astra chose to change up sides, even if John didn't seem happy to see her on the Waverider.

As for Sara, going by the brief appearance here, it seems that surviving her encounter with Atropos has given her some kind of ability to see in the future. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out in the remainder of the season.

- Like Constantine, Enchantress has also been a member of Justice League Dark (which is getting a streaming show on HBO Max) but is this version friend or foe here?
- Nice that Nate had some bonding scenes with Charlie and Zari here, not to mention we had reference to Rip, Amaya and Vandal Savage.
- Zari might have posed as Cleopatra here but it's nice we got a bit of a look of her DC comic look as well.
- Chronology: Ancient Egypt for the Charlie/Enchantress scene, 1910 for the main plot as well.

The Great British Fake Off had plenty of great moments with John and Zari definitely getting all the best scenes in this episode. I genuinely didn't expect the addition of Enchantress into the mix (though this version has a more comic accurate look than the Suicide Squad version) and with Astra switching teams, Sara's powers making themselves known, things are definitely getting more interesting.

Rating: 8 out 10

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