Friday, May 01, 2020

My Review of Harley Quinn's 2x05: "Batman's Back Man"

Written by Sarah Nevada Smith
Directed by Juan  Meza-Leon

RTSC Guy (to TLJ Guy): "Fine but if this sucks, we are watching Family Guy."

Well, this show continues to surprise as this week had the biggest departure with Harley and her gang sitting this one out. With DC Universe being Chibnall levels of secret with their marketing for this show (or lack of it), I genuinely had no idea this was going to be a thing.

Anyways with our main cast gone and a scathing synopsis of this show surmised by the worst type of fanboys, the action saw Bruce Wayne emerge from his coma and determined to get back to being Batman in spite of Alfred (Tom Hollander) telling him not to do so.

However as we have seen with this Batman so far, he doesn't respond well to advice so he got Lucius Fox (Phil LaMarr) to build him a robotic Batsuit called MONICA that started off well but between Bane and Two Face's minions, Batman was soon out of his depth.

Fortunately for him, Batgirl was on hand and in the space since she's donned the costume, she's becoming a social media hit to Batman's annoyance but has also proven to be able to handle herself and she saved Batman in this one. While the fangirl bit does come across as somewhat cringe worthy at times, this episode did end with Batman telling Gordon that Batgirl will be protecting the city until he's fully recovered.

As for the baddies this week, the team up with Bane and Two Face saw the former largely being undermined by the latter while doing most of the heavy lifting against Batman as the title became quite appropriate during their final confrontation. I do like Bane a lot but he does feel somewhat dumbed down this season.

- Opening scene with RTSC Guy had a fun but mixed reaction on social media. I liked the shout out to Gotham here too.
- No scene where Bruce was with his son or any reference to Damien trying to take on his father's mantle either.
- Alfred briefly donned his own crime fighter persona with Macaroni. It was very theatrical as was his scenes with Bruce and Lucius.
- Chronology: A while since the events of Bruce waking up. He has 312 shows to catch up on while he recovers.

Batman's Back Man certainly made use of it's double meaning and while I wouldn't want this kind of an episode a lot, it's a testament to the writing that I did not miss the title character and her motley crew this week.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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