Friday, May 08, 2020

My Review of Harley Quinn's 2x06: "All The Best Inmates Have Daddy Issues "

Written by Jamieson Borak
Directed by Juan Meza-Leon

Joker: "Back for more, Harley?"
Harley: "It's Dr Quinzel."

Following their absence from last week, this week saw most of Harley and her crew back as the former and Poison Ivy were having drinks at Noonan's before realising that the latest barman was actually a stripped down, normal Joker in plain sight.

After nearly half this season away from the character, I suppose it was time to reintroduce him and the casual way that Harley realised it was her psychotic ex was actually rather brilliant. It was also suitable as this episode did raise the issue of whether or nor people can change or if they just remain the same at their very core.

In flashbacks we got a different version of the usual Mad Love tale. Dr Harleen Quinzel found herself working at Arkham, largely unimpressed by the likes of Batman, Gordon and a pre Two Face, Harvey Dent (who really was a dick in this episode) and of course, coming into contact with both the Joker and Poison Ivy with different results.

With the Joker, it was mind games over a bomb he hid in poor Luigi (taking the phrase Little Italy in another way) while with Poison Ivy, it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. If this episode didn't solidify that Ivy really is the best romantic option for Harley, along with every other episode, then what would?

As for Joker, the mistake here was not handing him over to the police, keeping him prisoner or killing him. Instead having Dr Psycho mind probe him only resulted in Joker's evil side being restored, so we've got that to look forward to for the second half of the season as well as both Harley and Ivy getting grabbed by Two Face and his henchmen. Did I mention that guy's a dick this season?

- Joker stole Ivy's story about her abusive father and Mr Ferris to reel Harley in. This episode also stole some bits from The Dark Knight as well.
- Harley came up with the name Two Face, foreshadowing Harvey's eventual descent into crime.
- Batgirl was nowhere to be seen this week and neither were Clayface, King Shark, Frank or Sy Borgman. Batman and Gordon were flashbacks only.
- Chronology: Not long I assume from where the last two episodes left off.

All The Best Inmates Have Daddy Issues welcomed another change of pace. I did like the way the Joker was reintroduced but I did think that Harley and Ivy probably should done more with that information that they did here. Still, loved the flashbacks and the cliff hanger moment as well.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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