Wednesday, May 06, 2020

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 5x10: "Ship Broken"

Written by James Eagan & Mark Bruner
Directed by Andi Armaganian

Sara (to Ava): "It's me. I kill everyone."

It's been a while since we've had a bottle episode and this one definitely took an interesting turn with the gang all trapped on the Waverider with not one but three new additions, so let's discuss them, shall we?

First of all, of course Gary of all people would bring an adorable dog on to the ship that would turn out to be a hellhound named Marchosias, who managed to turn everyone against Astra (which didn't take much tbh) while also sending the Loom of Fate down the crapper. Yes, I'm serious on that one and given this show, that's hardly surprising.

Gary's stupidity has gotten to the point where it has held the character back and I do think if he's around next season, then he needs to start getting a little smarter. Still though, the hellhound did work well enough and give in her current state, Sara was able to help John and Astra send that thing back to hell, so there's that.

As for Astra, it's hardly a surprise that no one on the ship including John actually trusts her and so far, she's done nothing to actually earn their trust. I did however enjoy the back and forth between her and Zari as the two tried to outsmart each other while something of a bond began to build towards the end of this one. Needless to say, this season will end with both Zari and Astra getting their loved ones back.

Then there was Lita. She might be taking a while to warm to Mick and more than happy to call him out at every turn, but I really liked her scenes with Mick nonetheless and I thought Nate was actually used pretty well here too as he tried to help getting them to connect with each other.

As for Sara's story, this was a mixed bag. Her new ability is interesting and I'm sure there will be a more detailed explanation as to how she survived looking at Atropos true form but she spent too long deliberately evading Ava, John and Charlie's questions that it felt a bit out of character at times. Still though I am looking forward to seeing where this story goes over the next four episodes as I suspect Sara's new powers might be temporary.

- Marchosias also controlled Son of Sam, which gave the show a nice opportunity to remind us about Ava's serial killer podcast.
- Still mixed on the potential Zari/John pairing, though I did find it amusing how Astra quickly picked up on it though.
- The bunny at the end was cute though. However the show needs to give Gary some common sense.
- Chronology: Mostly 2020 and mostly on the Waverider for good measure.

Ship Broken wasn't quite as strong as the previous two episodes but it was rather good though. Sara's powers are intriguing, the hellhound idea mostly worked, both Lita and Astra had great scenes with the regulars but a few plot contrivances kind of held it back too.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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