Friday, May 15, 2020

My Review of Harley Quinn's 2x07: " There's No Place To Go But Down"

Written by Adam Stein
Directed by Colin Heck

Bane (to Harley/Ivy): "You cannot run from your problems, Harley. Hate weighs you down, only love sets us free."

Well, I don't think anyone will be forgetting this one anytime sooner. Think The Dark Knight Rises meets later seasons of Orange Is The New Black and you have the perfect summary for this episode in a nutshell.

Last time we saw them, both Harley and Ivy were caught by Two Face and things opened with the ladies on trial with Bane as their judge. Needless to say, it didn't go in their favour as they got sent to the pits of Pena Dura with Bane as their warden.

In their new environment, both Harley and Ivy were determined to escape and having tolerated a therapy session, Ivy used her issues of the past as her vehicle for her act in a prison talent show, which got her some respect among the fellow inmates. Meanwhile Harley bashed up a female version of Bane and George Lopez made a sweeping appearance.

When one escape option was lost to them, the ladies came up with another as an old fashioned prison riot became the answer to their prayers and Bane made some on point comments about love setting a person free. Harley took that advice literally as twice she put Ivy's safety over her own while Ivy returned the favour and saved her twice.

Then there was that kiss. I knew this season was going to deliver for shippers and this episode did not disappoint here. The kiss between Harley and Ivy made sense, it felt the right place to do it and it certainly pleased a lot of fans. Come on, DC, just embrace the pair already.

As for the rest of the episode, the B plot with Jim Gordon versus Two Face was done well. He finally got his shit together, took the reveal of Barbara being Batgirl better than expected and managed Yo kick the crap out of Two Face for good measure, Slowly it seems like the bad guys are losing their grip of Gotham even if Batman still hasn't resumed fighting for the city yet.

- ManBat was Harley and Ivy's lawyer this week while Zsasz, Professor Pyg and Kikker Croc were also fellow prisoners.
- I did laugh at the recovery montage Gordon had to speed things up so he could actually take on Two Face and win.
- Absences from the rest of the gang this week but looks like they'll be back next week along with some otherworldly threats.
- Chronology: From where the last episode left off.

There's No Place To Go But Down has just become the best episode of the entire series so far. I genuinely am pleased the show will be going there with Harley and Ivy and going into the second half of the season, things are definitely heating up nicely.

Rating: 9 out of 10

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