Wednesday, May 13, 2020

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 5x11: "Freaks And Greeks"

Written by Matthew Maala & Ubah Mohamed
Directed by Nico Sachse

Sara (to the girls): "Welcome to the sisterhood."

After last week's bottle episode with a demon dog, this week decided to have fun with college campuses, mainly through the prism of fraternity and sorority as the Legends need the cup of Dionysus in order to control the Loom of Fate.

With that particular cup being such a hot commodity for the team this week, it also meant the chance to introduce Dionysus himself or Dion (Drew Tanner) as he likes to go by these days. Charlie's charm offense initially seemed to get him on side before Astra's inability to be a team player scuppered things and the girls had to come up with an alternative option.

This week saw the ladies with a few added members form the Delta Chi Sigma sorority and while the episode definitely played heavy into the theme of sisterhood, it was also a great way for Astra to not vent her grievances with the Legends but also to learn working with them as both her and Charlie came up with a scheme to break Dion's influence.

As a guest obstacle (because he really wasn't much of an antagonist here), I quite liked Dion even if Nate's borderline homoerotic hero worshipping of him did get a bit over kill at times. He was a fun enough character, had a fun dynamic with Charlie and when Sara inevitably beat him at beer pong, he took the defeat graciously enough.

So as the episode ended, all the Legends minus Zari are now seemingly immortal and just as Astra found her place on the team, she's going to have to betray them because she's also in Lachesis's debt. Oh dear but also expected. Lachesis didn't hold back on her anger over Astra siding with the Legends over her and Atropos.

Keeping with the college theme, Lita has gone from being ashamed of Mick to actually accepting quite well and even defended him against some snobs. The last few episodes have done a great job with her character and not only were her scenes with Mick and Nate great but I liked that she had a role in the main plot too.

- The more I think about it, the less keen I am on a Zari/Constantine pairing. Chemistry aside, it still feels a bit forced. Zari not drinking from the cup puts her at a disadvantage no doubt.
- The show is really having fun with Sara's powers but I still think they'll be gone by the finale.
-  Anyone else love how open Astra, Charlie and Dion were to complete strangers about themselves?
- Chronology: 2020 Hudson University because where else would a hedonistic party boy Greek God hide out?

Freaks And Greeks was a step up from last week and a lot of fun to boot. Dion definitely should make another appearance next season, both Astra and Lita are working well with the Legends abd we're moving the Looms plot along for good measure.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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