Thursday, July 02, 2020

My Review of Doom Patrol's 2x03: "Pain Patrol"

Written by Tom Farrell & Tamara Becher-Wilkinson
Directed by Samira Radsi

Red Jack: "You could have transformed into something truly exquisite. Something divine."
Caulder: "I guess I'm still just that boy in the alley."

Fancy a little pain, anyone? Yeah, probably not but this episode decided to serve a fair dollop of it with the arrival of one of the most sadistic villains the show has done so far. If you thought Mr Nobody was an asshole, then get a load of Red Jack (Roger Floyd) for good measure.

Following the end of the previous episode where a load of butterflies kidnapped Larry, this episode revealed that Red Jack was behind it and the latter didn't waste time in getting Niles and Rita to come to Larry's rescue.

Not surprisingly enough, Red Jack ignored Rita and seemed to favour Caulder, due to a previous encounter they had over a century ago. Red Jack saw something in Niles he found fascinating and wanted to make the latter his apprentice. When Niles refused, Red Jack decided to subject him to a little pain in order to bring him around.

This show hasn't been shy in it's use of bizarre and sadistic villains and Red Jack easily is one of the best they've done in less than two seasons. Having his victims turn into butterflies was a nice touch but fortunately Rita was able to save Larry and Caulder managed to kill Red Jack before he could any more victims to his collection.

One of my favourite parts of the previous season was the rapport with Rita and Larry and this episode drove that home even more. I love how accepting Rita is of Larry and even when he tried to tell her that he was a lost cause, she proved him wrong. I don't want a romantic relationship with these two but I do love seeing them working together.

As for the rest of the episode - Dorothy's screen time was shorter compared to the previous episodes but that was a good thing. I did like her playing hide and seek with her imaginary friends, even if Danny the Brick didn't fare well as a result. I also liked her scenes with Niles and Rita in this episode as well.

As for the rest of the gang - Cliff tried to reconnect with Clara, only for the latter to call the most sympathetic cops on him ever while Jane found herself in the midst of an intervention and then taken out as the dominant personality. Given the build up in the previous episodes. I definitely saw this coming.

Last but not least, I'm liking Victor's building relationship with Roni even if it's one step forward and then a few backwards. Either way, it helps that both actors have chemistry and that Roni seems keen on letting Victor know everything about her. Saying that, will Victor rejoin the rest of the cast or will he remain separate from the main story until the last few episodes?

- It seems that Clara has a wife or girlfriend and they're expecting a baby. Cliff did seem happy at the end of being a grandfather.
- I liked that Larry seemed to be a fan of Rita's past acting roles and the latter being critical over another actress's performance on an old movie was amusing.
- Caulder's drawing up a blueprint for Robotman 2.0.
- Chronology: Flashbacks to London 1888 with Caulder and Red Jack's first meeting and 1966 to Larry first moving into the manor and befriending Rita.

Pain Patrol definitely lived up to it's title as all our main characters suffered in various ways and again, Red Jack has got to be one of the best villains the show has done in terms of design, characterisation and acting.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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