Tuesday, July 07, 2020

My Review of Doom Patrol's 2x04: "Sex Patrol"

Written by Eric Dietel & Tanya Steele
Directed by Omar Madha

Cliff (to everyone): "Is anyone going to say anything about the fact that Rita's G spot almost ended the fucking world?"

Yes, let's talk about that one then. For an episode called Sex Patrol, I certainly expected some frisky business but Rita's g spot nearly ending the world, even I didn't see that happening. Maybe Flex should limit his talents every once in a while, eh?

The returns of both Flex Mentallo and Maura Lee Karupt - two of the best guest characters we had last season was absolutely welcomed and with Danny being out of action, it was up to them and the Dannyzens to help revive the sentient street into action. Of course Dorothy also played a part in the matter too.

However getting back to Flex, helping Rita trying to unlock a past memory resulted in a sex demon named Shadowy Mr. Evans (Brad Binkley) emerging at the party and giving birth to a baby whose cry would kill all the children. Fortunately for everyone, Hammerhead happened to take over Jane's body and that baby got sent back into it's father for good measure.

Of course when Rita wasn't nearly ending the world, she was making some headway with Dorothy's age and the latter herself seemed torn as a child and wanting to see what things were like as an adult. The episode nearly had her destroy Danny but balk at the last moment before also deciding that she didn't want to grow up. It also seems that Candlemaker is slowly working his way into getting unleashed by Dorothy at any time.

As for the rest of the episode - I liked that Danny reformed as a tire and took everyone back but I really liked that Danny told Niles that he needed to do better with Dorothy. Unfortunately, I think Niles will do the exact opposite, Dorothy will unleash Candlemaker and everything will go spectacularly sideways as we head into the latter half of the season.

Dorothy aside, this episode saw Cliff and Victor both coming back into the fold while being hugged by a high Cliff was the very thing that made Hammerhead hand back control for Jane. Larry on the other hand seemed to be in a perpetual mopey state that not even a cool party could lift his spirits. I get that Larry has his regrets but I do want to see him cheer up a little this season.

As for the SeX Men themselves - well, Kiss, Torture and Cuddles were an interesting bunch of guest characters. Think Ghostbusters but for extremely oversexed spirits. They were fun to watch and it was nice to see that they weren't actually baddies in this episode either.

- There's a lovely speech in this episode Maura Lee talking about her experiences as a trans woman while also giving Victor some good advice about Roni.
- Rita's bad memory was seeing her mother sleeping with a producer to get her a part while Jane's personality Scarlet Harlot also came out to play.
- Standout music: Abigail Shapiro's take on Pure Imagination (Niles and Dorothy's favourite song), Goldfrapp's Ooh La La and Jhay C's Get It On.
- Chronology: London 1978 for Niles/Dorothy opening scene as well as 1931 Burbank for the Rita scene with her mother.

Sex Patrol definitely had it's moments. The returns of both Flex and Maura Lee was welcome, along with the insight into Rita's past and impending plot of Dorothy losing control. This episode also did highlight that Niles will be his daughter's undoing as we get into the latter half of this season.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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