Tuesday, July 21, 2020

My Review of Doom Patrol's 2x06: "Space Patrol"

Written by Neil Reynolds
Directed by Kristin Windell

Caulder: "Thank you, Cliff. I promise I'll never ask another favour of you again."

I swear to God, every time Caulder seems like he might not be a total shitebag, there's always something to disprove that sentiment. Was this his whole plan all along? Take Cliff to space, retrieve Dorothy and then eject Cliff into space? What an asshole, eh?

Cliff's hostility towards Caulder was beginning to thaw with the hopes of getting some sensation again. Despite not wanting to even go into space, he actually went to help Caulder get Dorothy back and that was on top of the fact that he was furious with Dorothy for killing two of Jane's personalities here.

Not to mention that when Cliff did find Dorothy, he was the one who was able to persuade her to come to the ship and return to Earth. Cliff might have been a crappy father to Clara but he managed to do more parenting with Dorothy in one conversation than Niles has ever done in the latter's life. Ugh, this show really does make it hard to even vaguely root for Niles at all.

As for Jane - well, it seems that both Katy and Baby Doll might not be dead after all. If Miranda (Samantha Marie Ware) is anything to go by, both of them will need a little time to rebirth but essentially the Candlemaker didn't kill them. It also seems that Jane allowed her guilt to let Miranda take over as Primary, so that's going to be fun to watch in the remaining episodes.

Elsewhere, Larry got the other part of the title plot this week when a group of Cosmonauts who worked with Caulder came back to Earth. Notably one of them - Valentina Vostok (Mariana Klaveno) also was revealed to have a Negative Spirit while her teammates - Zip (Derek Evans) and Specs (Jason Burkey) died years ago and have had a benign spore inhabiting their bodies before they got buried. I did like that Larry realised that he needed family by the end of this one and Valentina was a delightful guest character.

Meanwhile, I did find it interesting that Rita wound up in a production of Old Town! that was actually a running commentary of the events from the first season. The scene where she was talking with the actress playing the Blob Lady was especially hilarious. Looks like Rita has found herself an enemy in Isabelle.

Last but not least, I guess it was a little obvious that Roni would have to tie in a little more to the grand scheme of things than just being a love interest for Victor. Giving Roni a past connection to STAR Labs and Caulder does feel a bit too predictable but other than that, I'm still enjoying her as a character.

- I have to admit that I almost thought Zip and Specs made for a cute couple with the amount of fooling around they were doing before Valentina told Larry what happened with them.
- Caulder having a space ship since 1955 didn't faze me that much.
- Standout music: Ruelle's Genesis during the funeral scenes.
- Chronology: From where Finger Patrol left off.

Space Patrol made for an entertaining detour of sorts, bolstered by another shocking cliffhanging (or Cliff floating) moment, coupled with some brilliant character bits for all of the main players involved here. Saying that, I do want to see more of Candlemaker and I'm hoping he strikes again next week.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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