Wednesday, July 22, 2020

My Review of How To Get Away With Murder's 6x14: "Annalise Keating Is Dead"

Written by Sarah L. Thompson & Tess Leibowitz
Directed by John Terlesky

Bonnie: "Frank, Hannah. She and Sam had a baby. A boy."

We're at the second last ever episode of this series and things really went up a good few notches here. I just knew that there would have to be a surprise obstacle to come Annalise's way at her trial and I also knew that when it looked like things were going to go her way, something would go horribly wrong.

Surprise obstacle number one being the return of Laurel, who Langford also had in mind to testify against Annalise along with Connor and Michaela. Laurel betraying Annalise was less surprising than Connor and Michaela if we're being honest here. It's also not surprising that she'd use Christophe to justify her actions, which Michaela had no problem calling out.

Of course, it didn't take too much for Annalise to actually get to Laurel and have the latter come to her way of thinking and by doing that, not only did we see Connor and Michaela fall apart on the stand but they also quickly turned on one another when Michaela let slip she got a better deal. Looks like Connor will be going to jail after all then.

The trial itself was a highlight of the episode. From Annalise's preparation on how to present herself to a jury of her peers to the fact that she was forced to represent herself when Tegan got her struck off the case. I know how this ends for Annalise but right now, it's not looking good for her.

Her hopes of getting Hannah on side clearly went to hell the moment Bonnie confessed to Frank about his true parentage. Annalise believed that Hannah's "suicide" was at the behest of Birkhead but it's looking very likely that either Frank or Gabriel (the latter being furious with Michaela's lies on the stand). I'm going with Frank on this one as it's still too late in the day to try and make audiences give a damn about Gabriel.

- I can't believe ABC allowed Viola Davis to say "assholes" in this episode. That made the episode feel a little naughtier.
- Nate manipulated Jorge into going against Birkhead while Xavier's body was discovered. Tegan really wasn't holding back on her big old crush on Annalise either.
- Standout music: Chris Garneau's Little While.
- Chronology: Not long from where the previous episode left off. Laurel has also been living in Brooklyn for a year.

Annalise Keating Is Dead - maybe, maybe not, at least not yet. This episode definitely packed a punch with the opening scene, all the trial bits and the final moment. I can't believe there's one more episode. I'm gonna miss this crazy but I don't doubt the last one will hit the hardest.

Rating: 9 out of 10

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