Thursday, September 23, 2021

My Review of American Horror Story: Double Feature - Winter Kills

Written by Brad Falchuk And Manny Coto
Directed by John J. Gray

Ursula: "The truth is history will only remember a handful of us but at least now,  we're leveling the playing field."

Well, that was pretty mercenary for a finale of sorts, wasn't it? I guess in order to survive, you really do have to sell your soul and be one step ahead of the season. Ursula, Alma and the Chemist really did become the true survivors of the season. 

The Chemist seems to be the most adept at adapting to survival. When Holden threatened her operation, she worked with Austin and Belle to take out Harry and Alma. When things went bad for Austin and Belle, she threw her lot in with Alma and Ursula and traded the coastal life for the Hollywood. When that went wrong, she took baby Eli and got out of there. I have to admire the woman's survival skills.

Then there's Ursula. She refused to help Harry and Alma with Austin and Belle, only to persuade the pale folk to do it for her. Then she killed them and by the end of this episode, it appeared her alliance with the Chemist might have killed Hollywood.

Ursula's ruthless as a character with the theme of this first part of the season definitely worked to it's advantage. For a character who could've been killed multiple times over, her knack for survival and self preservation easily out rivaled the Chemist's alone. As horrible as she might be as a person she's definitely was the shrewdest character so far this season.

As for Alma, there was no way she was going to give up the pills or agree with Harry's decision to pursue their dreams without them. I wasn't surprised when she killed her own father, especially the miserable fate she condemned her own mother too. However her impulsive behaviour will eventually become a problem, even one that both Ursula and the Chemist might not be able to manage.

As for Provincetown, I'm glad this episode made it clear that the local council were in on the pills activity and had been looking the other way. However that new cop, Jan Remy (Dot Marie Jones) seemed like she was about to make the same error her predecessor did and she struck me as someone who wouldn't have bought the cover story as well. 

- Burelson's body was discovered in this episode but not Karen or Mickey's? Also, where did Lark go? I feel like that character just got abandoned.
- The Chemist using the pills to get rid of racist cops could've easily gone wrong for her if one of them had a latent talent of sorts.
- After the season having much longer episodes, this one was only 37 minutes. I hope there are no more shorter episodes with the remainder of the season.
- Chronology: Spring time in Provincetown before a three month jump to LA.

Winter Kills definitely could've done with being a bit longer and it did feel like some stuff was a little quickly done with. Saying that, this was a solid end for the first half of this season and here's hoping the second half truly delivers.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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