Friday, September 24, 2021

My Review of Titans 3x09: "Souls"


Written by Richard Hatem
Directed by Boris Mojsovski

Bruce: "Am I dead?"
Donna: "No."
Bruce: "But you are."
Donna: "Not anymore."

I can't believe it's taken two thirds of this season for this show to finally resurrect Donna Troy but at least it's happened. Even Jon Snow came back quicker than Donna did. Okay, grumbling aside, this was a genuinely terrific episode and welcomed change of pace.

Last we left things, poor Tim Drake got shot by the Scarecrow and his days seemed to be over before he could properly begin a life of being a hero. On a creepy train in the afterlife, Tim was determined that his journey wasn't over yet and jumped off with Donna Troy quick to follow him. Then the two of them encountered some soul eating ghouls and of course, Hank Hall himself.

Is it wrong that in death, Hank has suddenly become a better character? I almost thought for a second that he was going to make his way back to the land of the living like Tim and Donna managed to, but he stayed behind, reunited with Don and now has his own mission in the afterlife. As endings go, this was better for Hank than expected.

As for Donna, she had doubts about wanting to be alive again but her heroism stepped in so many times when protecting Tim, encouraging him as a hero, her conversations with Hank. Also what was the first thing she did when she came back to life? She only went and rescued Bruce from a suicide attempt. Donna had better writing in this one episode than most of last season. I hope that bodes well when she does show up in Gotham.

As for Tim, it's definitely early days for him as a hero but the potential is there. We've seen his detective and every Titan he's interested with so far, he's had great chemistry with. We might have to wait for him next season to suit up as Robin but there's no denying he'll be a strong addition to the team.

Last but not least there was Rachel herself. I kind of laughed at her hating the strict regime of Themyscira while at the same time, I loved the conversation she had with Lydia (Valerie Buhagiar) and the mutual respect that built between the two of them as the episode progressed. Saying that, I'm glad she's heading to Gotham by the looks of it.

- The use of black and white for the afterlife scenes were certainly a choice. I got a bit of a Supernatural vibe with Hank's choice of car.
- Artemis and Hades aside, we didn't get too many references to other Amazon related characters. I was hoping for Hippolyta mention.
- Most of the cast sat out this episode and that definitely didn't hurt the pacing of it.
- Chronology: From where the previous episode left off.

Souls offered a great change of pace. Donna, Tim and Hank made for a great team, the Rachel scenes were excellent and now that Donna and Rachel back in the mix, it's time for everyone to become a stronger unit against the Scarecrow.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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