Thursday, October 21, 2021

My Review of American Horror Story: Double Feature - The Future Perfect

Written by Brad Falchuk And Manny Coto And Kristen Reidell And Reilly Smith
Directed by Axelle Carolyn

Theta: "Another perfect specimen."

Congrats, show, you might have ended the season creating the perfect specimen but after such a promising start, it's sad to see how much this season just dove off a cliff. You had two ideas that clearly were never going to intersect and would've been better handled as separate seasons. Honestly you should've taken the first idea you had and tried to have gotten another two episodes out of it and this season would've been perfect.

Sadly by going with this second idea to make up an extra four episodes, this season widely just fell apart. As Eisenhower was on his deathbed, Mamie continued getting into bed with Valiant Thor and Nixon found his own presidency coming to something of a comprising end with two alien races working together. 

Why did this episode decide to now introduce the reptile race when had this season been longer, it could've been done about two episodes beforehand? More importantly, why make the human resistance idea so futile and why would Thor's race be so willing to share Earth with another alien race?

I know this episode posited the idea that humans are too selfish to share the planet (again, true), but I'm unconvinced that Thor's race would also be willing to share with another one that had technology better than theirs. I also feel there was potential with this concept that ultimately got squandered. Ultimately this alien themed second half was too undercooked for it's own good.

Mamie's crisis of conscience came far too late for her act of rebellion to have any real impact and Calico's cowardice and betrayal was too telegraphed to also have the desired effect. While Theta was able to manipulate Calico's latent maternal instincts with the hybrids, I can't imagine that Theta will want to keep Calico around for too long.

As for the younger cast, I know they weren't loved by fans but damn, this episode really did  give them all the shit end of the stick. In seasons past, at least one of them would've survived and probably would've helped scupper the invasion/hybrid story but nope, all of them died here. Not to mention that Kendall got subjected to a fate worse than death. I hate to admit it, but even I found that extremely cruel for the character.

- I'm assuming that Dickie get probed in order to persuade him to resign. Mamie using the code name 'Deep Throat' even stunned Valiant Thor.
- Theta mentioned her humanity being her greatest shame in case  anyone was wondering if she were a hybrid herself. 
-  This episode had four people writing it for some reason. I do find it interesting that Ryan Murphy himself had no involvement with this second half.
- Chronology: 1969, 1972, 1979 and 2021 for this episode.

It pains me to say it but The Future Perfect turned out to be an extremely dire way of ending this season. The idea of a season taking two widely different concepts with Red Tide and Death Valley had so much potential but in reality, both of these ideas needed to be separate seasons in order to breathe. A very disappointing end to what was initially a very strong season.

Rating: 6 out of 10

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