Friday, October 22, 2021

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 7x02: "The Need For Speed"


Written by Morgan Faust And Marcelena Campos Mayhorn
Directed by Alexandra La Roche

Nate (to a mobster): "Repeat after me: I forgive myself."

I have to admit, initially the title of this episode did make me think more about speedsters, but in reality, it was about consequences. The consequences of J. Edgar Hoover removed from the timeline and Nate going into overdrive to make things right.

Boarding the train to New York to keep up with history and using a spell from Gary, Nate spent most of this episode looking like Hoover while Behrad made his feelings about the guy a bit too known at times. Sidenote: I'm glad Behrad was sober for most of this episode. Now give him something meaningful to do and we're good.

As for Nate he mostly fooled people and even solved his (well, Hoover's) own kidnap attempt while also dealing with Al Capone's mobsters and a robot version of Hoover who also managed to disrupt proceedings in this episode. Are we going to keep getting robot versions of this guy until we get to New York?

Speaking of New York, this episode ended with both Astra and Spooner realising they needed to get to Gwyn Davies before the Legends ended up dead. Gideon spent most of this episode being unable to communicate with Astra and Spooner and Astra spent most of it being impatient with Gideon and feeling sorry for herself, which did grate a bit.

Gloria on the other hand tried her best to get both Astra and Spooner to try with Gideon and eventually her advice paid off when Spooner was able to read Gideon's thoughts. I've really come to like Gloria in the last four episodes she's been in so hopefully we'll see more of her, even after Astra, Spooner and Gideon head to New York.

As for Zari, she spent a good portion of the episode high on her brother's gummy bears but at least shew as able to turn things around and come up with an impressive list of potential suspects for blowing up the Waverider. In a lot of ways, this felt like a nice reminder of the show's past and a single set up for next week's 100th episode.  As for Sara and Ava, they were mostly in honeymoon mode this week.

- I love the new title sequence for this season and we even got to see Gwyn Davies in it. I'm assuming we'll see him after the 100th episode though.
-  Ava's safe word was both boring and in character for her. She did seem mortified that Zari picked up on it though. 
- The title referred to a nickname that Hoover had as well.
- Chronology: Late October 1925 in Odessa, Texas. The gang have to meet Gwyn Davies by November 7th.

The Need For Speed was certainly breezy episode with everything more or less working. I feel like we're  killing time until the show gets to New York but Nate had some great moments as did Astra, Spooner and Gideon. Now on to the 100th episode.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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