Wednesday, April 12, 2023

My Review of Superman And Lois 3x05: "Head On"


Written by Andrew N. Wong
Directed by David Ramsey

Mannheim (re Inverse Superman): "This is our new priority."
Dr Hook: "Looks just like him, only dead."
Mannheim: "For now."

Can I just say yet again that Chad L. Coleman is absolutely knocking it out of the park as Bruno Mannheim? He's clearly the bad guy, he's clearly got an agenda but between both writing and performance, this season has done a hell of a job so far in making sure the character isn't one dimensional in the slightest.

On one hand, his latest soldier Deadline quickly broke into the DOD to access some files and fight off Superman. While that was happening, Intergang only went and accessed another facility to retrieve the body of Bizarro/Inverse Superman and needless to say that no good will end up coming from that acquisition later on in the season.

Then there was Mannheim's scene with Lois this week. Am I shocked that Lois would use her chemo time to do some investigating on Mannheim? I'd be more shocked if she hadn't but it did find it amusing how quickly Mannheim discovered her and the exchange that the pair had as well. I think Mannheim was absolutely sincere when he talked about his motives over the cancer research and his own family history with the disease, adding a nice layer to the character.

Speaking of layers and highlighting the maturity in the writing for this show, I thought Clark's scenes with two fellow chemo patients was beautifully well done. It gave him a lot to think about with Lois's current condition and it lead to some nice scenes with both Lois and Clark too as they sat out the Valentine's dance that made the B-Plot of sorts here.

The dance in question that saw Natalie shocked by Matteo's arrival and panicking when he wanted to kiss her. That also lead to a nice heart to heart with Sam while Sarah herself also had a lovely but heartfelt conversation with the former mayor's son. The same son who also held Lana responsible for his father's downfall and eventual demise.

Speaking of Lana, while she doesn't seem too much the wiser about Kyle and Chrissy for now, she was determined to reveal more about George Dean's corruption before having a change of heart in the matter. Then there was both a career opportunity for Jonathan and a break up with him and Candice as the latter decided to move in with her aunt. I was starting to like Candice a bit more this season, so her exit was a bit on the abrupt side of things. 

- Jordan set Sam up on Senior Swipe. I'm guessing the show wasn't allowed to reference Tinder or other known dating apps.
- I'm convinced that Matteo will end up being Bruno's son. It'd be shocking if he wasn't, wouldn't it?
- John Henry Irons was the only regular cast member not to feature in this episode.
- Chronology: Valentine's Day 2023 I guess.

Head On was another episode very light on action but with the character moments so good in this one, I genuinely didn't mind. In terms of highlights, I definitely think Lois and Bruno's scenes were by far the best thing about this one in particular.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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