Thursday, April 13, 2023

My Review of Titans 4x07: "Caul's Folly"


Written by Melissa Brides
Directed by Greg Walker

Carter (to Dick): "Take it easy Old Teddy. Things are going to be more sunnier from now on."

It's been a four month break since the events of the fort had of the season and in that time, it became apparent that the show was on the way out. Kicking off the second half of this season, we had this rather diverting start of a two parter I assume.

Picking up from the cliff hanger of last year, it seems that Rachel had sent everyone to a death dimension when shit was going down with Sebastian's rebirth. Rachel brought everyone back except for Gar from sad dimension and that's when things got a little different for everyone.

Dick and Kory caught up with an eccentric contact of the former's named Roberta who told the pair about yet another prophecy involving a horn of Trigon and of course Kory really having to level up, power wise in order to stop. Needless to say that Dick wasn't keen on discussing the possibility of Kory dying, much to her annoyance.

On top of that, during their search for the much needed horn, Dick, Kory and Rachel all wound up in a strange little place called Caul's Folly where they realised that they couldn't quite leave for good measure. Rachel found herself getting taken by Megan and her father, both of whom were desperate to leave the place while Dick's encounter with Carter saw this episode end on a strange note.

It was obvious from the start that Carter was a Trigon follower and Dick underestimated him when he shouldn't have. Not bringing Kory with him during that meeting wasn't his wisest of movies and given that both Sebastian and May appeared at the end, it looks like they're one step closer in their overall goal. As for Dick, it looks like he might be getting a new identity given the title of the next episode.

As for the rest of the episode, we had Conner going off on his own with his own plan to take down Sebastian. The reappearance of Mercy Graves was a pleasant surprise, even if she was mostly there to sow more division among Conner and his relationship with the Titans. She didn't really need to do much on that front but her devotion to Lex was something else here.

Last but not least, the romance between Tim and Bernard had some good turns here too. At first there was some awkwardness over Tim's last of response during the previous episode, then thy decided to be friends while trying to find the others. Then there was a stay in a motel and suddenly, the friends part was taken off the table. As a pairing, they're actually better written here than in the comics. 

- Roberta not only was an expert on Tamaraneon but also Klingon as well. We saw her briefly interact with Rachel too.
- Mercy's comments on Lex being something of a feminist actually checked out with the character. I just wish we had actually seen their relationship on screen.
- Standout music: Nice use of Pina Colada with this episode.
- Chronology: From where the mid season finale had left off.

Caul's Folly marked a solid second half opening for this final season. It's nice to see things move fast enough and there were a good few character moments within the episode itself. With all this talk of Trigon, I assume we're going to see the character one last time before the show ends for good.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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