Friday, April 14, 2023

My Review of Titans 4x08: "Dick & Carol & Ted & Kory"


Written by Tom Pabst
Directed by Greg Walker

Sebastian: "What are we toasting?"
Conner: "To the future."

And so endeth this two parter on quite an interesting note. With four episodes left to go in the series full stop, are we really going down a villainous path with Conner? Maybe we are, maybe weren't not. There's a part of me that's wondering if Conner's new found alliance with Sebastian might more down to him coming up with a ruthless way to stop the prophecy.

Speaking of Sebastian, the town of Caul's Folly took to him immediately, to the point where they were more than happy to see the Heretic (aka Rachel) killed in the process. Except for one glaring problem. Any harm that happens to Rachel also happens to Sebastian, even though May still was determined to take Rachel out of the equation.

Rachel did manage to get under Sebastian's skin during their scene together and needless to say that both her and Kory will likely be his eventual undoing. As for May, whatever hold she had on Sebastian has shown signs of waning with him being more openly challenging towards her and I wouldn't be surprised if she's killed off before the finale takes place.

As for Dick and Kory, most of this episode was them trapped still on Caul's Folly and being brainwashed into thinking they're married coupled named Ted and Carol. For the most part, Dick was resisting the conditioning by using painful memories to keep his identity while Kory found herself succumbing to the Carol persona that was being forced on her.

Eventually the pair did manage to rescue Rachel, find the source of the brainwashing and take it out but by that time, Dick also realised that Sebastian had the horn and was a step ahead of everyone again. Saying that, this episode certainly gave Dick and Kory fans plenty to go over with flashbacks to their past moments, traumas and ultimately bringing them a bit closer to one another.

Last but not least, Tim and Bernard had their own differences on feelings vs. facts or faith vs. science but between the two of them, they reunited William with Megan and their father and learned a little bit more about each other too. Also, it does appear that Bernard will be sticking around with the Titans as they're currently down two members.

- Gar sat this episode out again, albeit appeared in some archive footage. However the next episode should make up for his absence from the previous two.
- Jinx was confirmed to be dead in the previous episode, I should've mentioned it. Yet again, another reference to John Constantine. That's a lot for this character. Is it leading to something?
- Tim wasn't wrong about Dick looking good in pink. Minus Phil's blood of course.
- Chronology: Exactly where the previous episode left off.

Dick & Carol & Ted & Kory was a solid conclusion tom this two parter. Sebastian got a step ahead, formed an alliance and the Titans were reunited after spending most of the episode away from one another. Overall, it's a good start to this final batch of episodes.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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